Chapter Eight: The first time.

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I'd begun to stir restlessly in my sleep at this point in my dream. As though I'm reliving every delicious moment of our first date. My stirring has woken up Master from our joint slumber. He's watching me with very in tentful eyes, wondering what I'm dreaming about. I began to mumble in my sleep and he's begun to grin.

He's finally figured out what I'm dreaming about because of my sleepy mumblings. I roll over in my sleep, my hands seemingly having a mind of they're own. Sliding up and down his chest, curling his soft hairs between my fingers. My coherent and subconscious minds finally become one as I awaken fully. He leans down and pushes me back forcibly against the mattress. My eyes flash open and he grins widely as he captures my gasp of surprise with his lips.

His tongue roughly invades my mouth and I lose my fight to his dominance. He pulls back and smiles at me.

" Did your dreams leave you thirsty for me,?" he snickers lightly.

Looking up into his eyes I retort," Does Master know of my dreams tonight as I chuckle. " Do you wish to show me our joint memory all over again, love" I told him.

With a firm low growl he takes my hand in his and guides it down my chest. I grin up at him and wrap my other arm behind my head. He whistles at me, his way of showing his approval. He reaches above me and slips my hand through a velvet cord in the bedframe. I put my other hand behind my head again and he slips that one into the noose. He yanks the cord tight, and my arms raise far above my head.

I have a little bit of wiggle room and test my bonds. It doesn't hurt my shoulders or arms, so its right where its supposed to be. He kisses my forehead and moving down to my cheek to my neck. I move slightly to the side to make an opening for him. He sinks his teeth into the delicate skin at the base of my throat gently, making me squirm.

Reaching beside the bedside table he grabs a silk mask and I lift my head up. He slips it over my eyes, laying a kiss to each eye once covered up.

" Are you ready my Princess? I believe you were dreaming of our first night together. The night you let me claim you by taking your virginty."

I was only too aware of the erection poking at me. I was already wet, ready and wanting.

" How did you know of my dreams tonight? Did I talk in my sleep again? I always dream of you Master." I gush my emotions.

He got up off the bed and I could hear his feet padding across the floor to the chest of drawers. I hear him lift the tray he'd gotten ready earlier and I tighten inside. I have no idea whats on that tray. I have no idea if theres new things he's bought or our old diehards. As I'm about to find out soon enough, I make the attempt to brace myself.

I feel the bed dip as he climbs onto it.

" Lift up baby," he tells me. I lift up my butt as best I can. He places towels underneath me. Its not like the bed hasn't already been wet tonight. I laugh inside my head. I settle back down against the towels and I hear a click and a buzzing begin. He's taken a small bullet vibrator out and is slowly rubbing it across my collarbone. It's sending vibrations down my entire body. My breath hitches when he rubs it across my nipples and then captures one in his mouth.

He flicks his expert tongue over my nipple and gently nips it, grazing it deeply. I illcicit moans as he rubs my other nipple with the bullet and keeps nipping at my other breast. He glides a hand down my face and across my chest, grapsing both breasts and pinching my nipples simultansiously. I gasp and he puts the bullet directly onto my soft gem mound.

He reaches up and releases only one of my arms.

" Take the vibrator darling, take it now, He orders me.

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