Chapter Seven: Awakening

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We pull up to a heavy wooded area near a small little deck. Under the deck I can hear the sound of water rushing, like near the river again. He tells me this is where we'll be dining tonight. He helps me down from the carriage and I promptly trip in my damn heels. He laughed and swooped me up into his strong arms. Id grabbed onto his neck and he carried me down a cobblestone path onto the deck. That's when I'd seen the cabin for the very first time. Nestled deep in the trees, hidden and cozy.

I already feel excitement, adventure and oddly safe here. As he has his arms full of me, I reached down to open the front door of the cabin. He growled deep and I pushed open the heavy oak door. I begin to giggle hard, he walks into the cabin and kicks the door shut. It slams shut with a resounding thud.

He still hasn't put me down yet, and with slow deliberate arms, he glides me down his entire body, teasing me. He puts me down on my feet directly in front of him and against his chest. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck. As if giving him a greenlight and he understands the assignment. He leans down and kisses me softly. It's a good thing I'm wearing heels, otherwise I wouldn't of been near his chest. I'm barely 5'2. He's got to be a least six feet tall.

I moan into the kiss and melt away into the fire of his lips. My groin went soaking wet the second our lips touched, and he deepens the kiss. Pulling back, our eyes meet and we both exhale on shaky breathes. I was totally breathless and in a bit of shock. I hadn't expected it to be like this. Taking my hand, he lead me over to a candlelit table with roses all over it.

There were two crystal champagne flutes on the table. Beside the glasses was an ice bucket with a bottle chilling inside. He picked up the bottle and popped the cork. A flow of bubbles and champagne poured out. I grabbed one of the flutes to try and catch the bubbles overflowing. He took it from me and poured me a full glass and then filled the other for himself.

" To meeting fate, destiny and finding adventures along the way, Princess. Thank you for gracing me with you honor and presence tonight", he toasts with the glass.

We both take a sip from our glasses and I swallow mine. It tickles my stomach, giving me extra spicy butterflies.

I say to him", No thank you. Tonight has been like a fairytale dream for me. I'm so happy I slammed into you," I'd laughed.

He returned the laugh with one of his own. He pulled out my chair at the table and I sat down. Pushing the chair up to the table for me, he leaned down over me and laid a gentle kiss upon my collarbone.

My breath hitched, and I had let out an unexpected ", Ah."

He grins and walks into a kitchen. He brought out a silver tray witha cover over it.

" I hope you're not allergic to anything." he says.

I smirk, and tell him, " Nope. None that I'm aware of yet. What surprises do I have in store tonight?"

He lays on the table a bowl full of something red. I just look up at him with bewildered eyes.

"Lobster bisgue with a red wine sauce and lobster bisquets." he tells me.

I've never had it before and it smells amazing. I wait until he seats himself and we begin to eat the soup. The soup is delicious, and I'm not normally a soup type person. I'd eat this again especially with this company.

" Are you the cook to, or did you hire someone to make it for tonight?" I'd asked him.

He just smiled seductively and nodded his head yes.

" I'm the cook, my mother taught me how to cook." he'd told me.

I love the soup and tell him so.

He'd replied with, "Thank you, this is only the first course."

Staring at him, I can't help my girlish grin.

Once we've finished our soup, he takes the bowls back to the kitchen. He brings out the second course, and its huge.

A lobster tail, with steak, soft baked potatoe and asparagus in a red wine sauce. My mouth drops open and I quickly close it. I'm practically drooling over his cooking skills. I can't cook for shit. I burn everything I try to make. As we eat, we make small talk, getting to know each other a little bit. Dessert is the third course, which he waits to bring out.

" Would you like to dance with me?" he asks me, holding out his hand.

As I take his hand, he pulls out a mini remote and turns on some soft waltz music. He takes me into his arms and proceeds to dance with me around the little cabin space. He weaves me in and out of the furniture, taking me to a set of French doors opposite the room. Once in front of the doors, he opens them. On the other side is a small patio set up with thousands of small twinkling white lights with candles set on the edge of the patio. Everywhere I look is glittering lights and candlelit.

I smile up at him and without any warning to him, I stand up on my tip toes and kiss him lightly on the lips. Normally I'm not a bold person, but tonight this has been worth my risk.

He grasps me behind my waist, bringing me up higher against him. He deepens the kiss and a few minutes later I'm left breathless and weak kneed.

He promised me romance and he's very much delivered. I'd giggled and muttered under my breath at myself. He snorted a laugh and asked me, " What's so funny Princess?"

I looked up into his green hazel eyes and replied with, " You're literally sweeping me off my feet."

He grabbed me then and swept me up into his arms, my feet dangling as I laughed.

He spun into a circle, making me laugh even harder, then he set me down. Laying another smoldering kiss on me, my knees buckled under me. I must've passed out from his arduous behaviors because the next thing I remembered was waking up on his bed. A cool compress being held against my forehead. A sheepish look in those green hazel eyes, looking down at mine, maybe with a little bit of worry in his.

That's how I became his and how I had ended up in his bed on our first date.

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