Part Two: Dominion

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Humanity at its core was nothing more than a struggle of life and death...

Time was not on Inara's side as humanity's doom was not only inevitable, but right at their front door. So many ideas rushed in and out of Inara's mind inside Origin. Utilizing everything she had at her disposal, she tried to find a way to achieve world peace. No matter how much she thought about it, the result seemed to end up with humanity causing self destruction.

As humanity grew ignorant of the threat beside them, the humans began to plot attacks on Origin. Though it seemed unthinkable to attack a space relic from the ground they stood, the thought of humanity in her eyes were full of greed. The planet's government started to take action and agreed to take legal action on seizing Origin. Inara, having no other choice, did not retaliate but continued to study Origin and refine the cores in secret.

Now that government officials took over the station, which was now connected to Origin, the founding scientists slowly stepped down from the project. First Tsukumei, then Ellina, finally, Rinn. Tsukumei and Ellina stepped down by choice. It was rumored that Rinn was force to resign due to spreading rumors regarding Inara's secretive work manipulating the cores and Origin. Even though it was true, Inara lied about the claim, while Ouroba stayed silent. Ouroba stayed with Inara and "witnessed" the research Inara conducted. Ouroba didn't want to leave her friend, but she also couldn't be part of the incident Inara would cause in the end.

Just because time was no longer a threat, it didn't mean that the world could avoid inevitability. Inara would grow tired of humanity's way of utilizing Origin in ways that shadow its true potential. Inara and Ouroba knew that Origin is a fate-weaving gateway. In their definition, they could create and change worlds in any way they wish. So long as the Trinity was there. That being Coalescia, Etheria, and Spectra. The two went back and forth on wether if they should use Origin to its full potential. Ouroba decided to stay in line and out of trouble. Inara wanted to push the limits.

One day, the station was attacked by an unknown unit of terrorists. Vehicles of warfare assembled and launched to attack Origin despite the government being the ones in charge. However, it wasn't humans launching these attacks. A fleet of red and black ships out of nowhere assaulted the station. It's not likely Inara had anticipated this, but it was very likely that she used this moment to her advantage and show Origin's true colors. This was according to Ouroba on the final night she would spend with Inara in the station witnessing her study. Inara got to work and prepared Origin's core processing units to show the world what they could do with such power. Ouroba, in her best attempts, warned Inara of how unstable it could be to launch Inara's project. Inara casted Ouroba's warnings aside and told her how humans will always repeat the mistakes they were destined to make. Inara pushed Ouroba away... and launched her life's work: Project Fantasy.

"Humanity at its core was nothing more than a struggle of life and death. Fighting over power. All we did was tear ourselves apart and even the skies above. Project Fantasy was our gateway, our freedom from that struggle... At least it was supposed to be until Ruin came in." - Inara


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