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Everyone gathers around for the Halloween party, many guest heading over, many in regular outfits, few in costume. The event had food and games and everyone was tired when it came to an end. Sam approaches Katherine, "Can I talk to you?" she asks. Katherine says sure.The two of them stand still, unable to know what to say. Sam opens her mouth, but quickly seals it, the words unformed, but running vividly in her mind. The chilling air surrounds them in silence.

Others walk outside, walking away quickly when noticing that they were interrupting a conversation. Katherine mutters something quickly and walks back inside. Sam stands still leaning on the column for support, body tense.

"Hey Sam are you okay?" one of Sam's friends asks, oblivious to what had just happened.

"Yeah," she lied.

Sam's friend seeing straight through the lie but doesn't pressure her, she offers Sam popcorn and Sam thanks her.Her friend walks away and wishes Sam a happy halloween.Sam stands still, deciding to go inside afterwards.


"I spoke to Katherine," Sam admits to Sarah the next day.

Sarah sits silently with nothing to say. "Okay, and..." she says carefully choosing her words.

Sam sits still, "I can't tell you, I don't want to betray her trust, also it would be better if you got it from her perceptive."

Sarah stands still, "She told me about what happen on Halloween."

"Oh," was Sam's response, that's what they were acting suspicious about, Sam thought to herself. "Hey can I talk to you later, I have tons of homework due tomorrow." Sam half-lied. Of course she had a large amount of homework, but recently with everything on her mind she tends to ignore it.

Sarah pats Sam's shoulder, "sure," Sarah walks away to the others as Sam calls her mom.


At home Sam sits at her computer, uploading a picture she drew to her website. She was proud of it, wanting the world to know that. She opens her email.

Hey I found a link that can help. -Tyler

Below was a link about breakups. I never had a breakup, Sam thinks to herself. With inquiry she opens the link and reads it, laughing the entire time by how relatable it was to her and Katherine.

Thanks Tyler, it helped. See you in school on Monday. -Sam

Author's Note: Hello again. After many months I decided to post this chapter on to Wattpad, for it is truly a flashback from when writing it. One reason is because I wrote this originally as an entry into the wattys but missed the deadline, but it's 2015 and I want others to read my writing. Thank you, for all the readers in America, India, Turkey, the Philippines, and other places you guys are from. Thank you for the votes, and the comments, it continues to inspire me today. Also, please spread the word about my book, if you really enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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