Chapter 12: Bonus Feature...

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Okay, so I will reveal some of the backbone of the story to you, since you are so interested. First thing, technically this chapter was suppose to be called Author's Note 3 or Character Descriptions and I thought of having that as a title together and then I decided long titles are distracting and much like a flyswatter.

Important Fact: True Love is based on real life events. (Will explain further in the chapter.)

Character Descriptions:

Okay, originally when I published Chapter 1: Jess most of the story was suppose to be from her's and Charles' perspective, I decided against that because I wanted the story on what I thought true love is, not a love story. The story was created to prove as an argument, (instead of restating love songs and Disney movies, gaining followers who agree with me, and constantly bothering my friend and our disagreement on if true love exists), I told her I would write a book about it. She probably doesn't remember, and I would have forgotten too if it wasn't for me scrolling through old text messages. Writing it on wattpad was one way I knew for 100% she would read it, without me shoving it in her face as a stack of papers.

To describe a bit more of Jess, she is the only adult character in the book. She was inspired by the many teachers who have taught me a life lesson, or the subject matter was something I found extremely important. Jess represents the influence adults have on me, but they only witness the effects four years later, if they witness it at all. I listen to adults for their wisdom and guidance, I may look like I am falling asleep, and not paying attention but I grasp every word and hug the breath out of every statement.

Charles: that horrible date

For Jess' description, I am not sure, I normally imagine each teacher as I incorporate them into the story. So her image is ever changing in my mind.

Chapter 2: Tyler was based on what a person might do after school, I find writing about school classes irrelevant but after school is when people most likely communicate with others outside of their own school. Tyler's friend Meagan is a friend based on literally all of my close friends, and what a friend sometimes do (hopefully good). Tyler receives news that his friend is moving away, and takes the news harshly. In the story line, Tyler goes to football practice, then confides inside his room. It's always sad when you say goodbye, or if they leave before you do, leaving is either physically packing up your stuff and moving to another state, or mentally moving when you would not communicate with them even when you have the opportunity to do so.

Megan: that friend that is always there (kind of imagined her with ombre (not sure if spelling right) hair)

Tyler description really runs with red semi-curly hair, muscular from sports. On internal aspects, funny, jokingly, caring, smart, understanding, hardworking and to toss in for the fun of it, anime fan.

Chapter 3: Sam is a chapter on wattpad that continues to surprise me. It is one of my shortest chapters but manages to get the most likes, and places in second for most reads for a chapter in this book and more reads than a single chapter in my two other books published here on wattpad. So in terms of statistics I presumed that majority of the readers reading this book like chapter 3 more than the other chapters.

Katherine: ...

Sarah: that friend you rant to about life 

The inspiration for Sam, or really the creation of her character came from someone I found with higher levels of openness and extroversion, and with a secret many look down upon. The character was created before the book. The words she speaks, and the location were decided before her name was thought of and given. I gave the name because Sam can be a nickname for either a boy or a girl, so depending on the reader it would sound feminine, masculine, or both/in between. Unlike the other characters Sam's inspiration derives from one person mainly.

One of my close friends and who also has a wattpad is named Sam too, she has no affiliation to the character or the story in aspects of inspiring the characters. The character Sam is 5'4 with blond hair.

Okay bringing it back, Sam is the most realistic chapter in accurateness and awkwardness, a major difference from real life to the book is Sam and Katherine weren't alone, and they knew that. I witness a rejection, a few others witnessed it too, and majority of us voted that it was weird, not to be disrespectful.

Chapter 4: Laney starts off with standing alone, talking to no one in particular. Not from anything strange, more like from anxiety in front of crowds. I didn't base Laney on a friend but more of how I perceived myself as a preteen, when I was younger. Shy, scared at new things, and I was less sociable. I dragged my old self, and plopped her in a situation my new self would feel conformable/ casual in, however my old/ younger self would probably not want to do in the first place. Like going out with friends on a weekend or eating inside the cafeteria (I wasn't that social back then).

Olivia: Laney's twin sister, more sociable, confident, popular, and conformable in her own flesh.

Laney was originally suppose to look like Olivia and vice versus but I changed before publishing the chapter, no major or particular reason though, just thought it would be more realistic and at the same time more unique. Also if you go back to that particular chapter (4) you will find a side by side photo of Laney and Olivia in the media section of the chapter.

Fun fact: Spell check doesn't like how I spell Laney.

Chapter 6: Josh explains quickly the nondramatic high school life. It is nothing like the movies my friend. It quickly fast forwards to his best friend, and his church fellowship meeting/ bible study. What seemed like a bleak life of being shy and quiet he learns to be extroverted and exceptionally well in cognitive activities. This chapter was designed to look at things in a lighter perspective than the previous chapters. 

Ben: Josh's best friend

Josh I imaged with black messy hair, wears contacts (you can't really tell), tall (about 5'7), and skinny.

Secret Unveiling 

The original purpose to post this story was to provide an argument (most obvious in chapter 5: Author's Note). The second inspiration was Wattpad's new category for the Wattys where newer wattpadders could be up for a Beginner's Luck Award. I wanted to finish the book for the deadline but that didn't happen, I haven't gotten to my point yet. 

The colaboration chapter with Sam, Laney and Tyler, was inspired by the movie "God's Not Dead" with Newsboys (be careful when searching because it is also a song).

The main characters' hobbies are based on my own, the drawing, the writing, the robotics, the sports, and so on.

The dedications in each chapter help explain who inspired who.

Okay so I hope this helped, however I cannot reveal all secrets.

Inspirational Bible Verse

Proverbs 17: 9-10 (English Standard Version) Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friend. A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool.

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