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Yandere classmate x NB reader

(authors note: for now , y/n will be written as non binary. if you wish to make a request, make sure to put which gender you'd prefer described 🗣️)

Nb= non binary
F= female
M= male

(Word count: 2388)


Unhealthy relationship, thoughts of violence, explicit gore, abuse, death.


Truth to be told, Jo-Hin truly hadn't expected this.

I mean then again, who would? Its not a every day thing the most popular dude in highschool ends up falling for a student like you. He ponders on the thought of telling you, but the fear of rejection is at its nigh high. 

He's lived a life of luxury, rich parents, perfect grades, leader of soccer team, fame, fangirls fawning over him like mindless fools. And though he enjoyed -to some extent. But the warm feeling of being appreciated, loved was never there. He knew his parents, being rich came with titles and titles came with responsibilities -responsibilities that required their time. 

His mother did not make him snacks when he came home, nor his father ever teach him how to wear a tie. Their version of love was not kind, nor compassionate. It was not soft caresses nor words of encouragement or a warm family sat together eating dinner. 

They're love was cold, sharp and ever edge glinting -they're love meant giving Jo-Hin money a teenager like him wouldn't be needing. They're love meant endless lonely presents of high end designer shoes and the newest brand of phones, while their presence would be elsewhere in a business meeting.

School was no better, sure he had a swarming fanbase and friends from soccer team. But that was all he was to them, another untouchable, popular dude. Not someone who you would be close friends to, just a guy you'd stand next to, to feel good. He was everyone's friend, yet no ones favorite.

But it all changed when you -meekly spoken and shy- fidgeting hands and  anxious mumblings came by. At first, Jo-Hin paid no mind to you, you were nothing. And as he was nothing to you. So was it fate then? Fate whom brought you so dearly to him, how you so willingly -so eagerly, flew right into the palms of his hands.

And somehow, in some silly little way, you wormed yourself into his heart. And how? Jo-Hin has no idea. Maybe its because for once in his calculated, fussy life did he feel...appreciated. Not as a enigma, but as a living ,breathing and feeling person. 

During your Biology classes together, you'd fret over him when he accidentally injured himself with a scalpel. Held him gently, caressed his hands in a way his parents never did. Or during lunch, when you shared your food with him without a underlying intention of merely getting close to him.

And god, for the first time. Jo-Hin felt loved, he felt the warmth, the feeling of being something that mattered. A feeling his parents had failed to even give him.

Is this what love is?

Jo-Hin would think to himself, late nights of his restless mind -focused only on you. you and your smile, you and your laugh, you and your love.

Is this what it feels like to be love?

You were like a dove. Sweetly whispered out, pure and innocent. A peace which you've brought so generously into Jo-Hins troubled mind. For once in such a long time, quelling this everlasting storm he had brewed within himself.

Is this what ive been yearning for so long?

And so what started off as a sprout of innocent warmth, slowly by slowly morph into a burning need of want. The scalding searing want of this love he so desperately been chasing over countless moons. Something so strong that Jo-Hin wants to dig his nails into his dove -tear and take until there's nothing left but blood and feathers.

★ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔁 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -oneshots  ★Where stories live. Discover now