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Yandere wolf hybrid x NB! Bunny hybrid reader

Warnings: non consensual touching, thoughts of violence, murder, obsession, kidnapping, gore

Word count: 1673


Knock knock

No response.

Walen frowns, letting out a frustrated sigh as he sits back down onto the floor. Ever since he's broke into your house, cornered you into your basement with no window to escape, he's been waiting out here for you to come out eventually.

You don't.

The wolf hybrid is , with a lack of better terms, exasperated. Sure , yes, breaking into a bunny's house and killing said bunnys family to confess your undying love to is -in view of the societal norms- not morally correct. The corpse of your family is still rotting away in the backyard Walen had broken into -your parents, or Atleast what's left of them, carelessly burried underneath the dirt and soil Walen could find. It was surprisingly easy to kill them. Walen noticed.

Bunnies are fast, but Walen is faster.

It's been two days since that happened. Two days since Walen slaughtered your family. Two days since you've hidden yourself in your basement. No food. No water. And most importantly of all, no escape.

Ofcourse Walen finds it adorable at first, if he pressed his wolf ears closely to the door, he can hear your soft soft cries. And all he wants to do is to break this damned door down and lunge into your confined space and claim you already.

But he doesn't.

Giving in to temptation is an enticing thought, but Walen prefers the wait. He knows you're stubborn , but you'll eventually grow hungry and soon that hunger will be unbearable and you'll be crying in your bed for food. For a provider to feed you, tend to you. Bunny hybrids are needy little things anyways. They need to be cared for tenderly , they need attention, need to be treated with such fragility that Walen could -and will- cater to.

Knock knock knock

He does so again to the wooden door to remind you of his presence, and is rewarded with a sweet, frightful cry from you. Muffled from the walls of your now empty empty home, but Walen smiles at the gift and takes it in anyway , his ears drinking in greedily of any noises and meek cries you make.

"Y/n.." he calls out, grabbing the knife he used to kill your family and scratching over the door slowly. "Are you still there..?"

No response, just a terrified whine and the sounds of shuffling. Thats alright, Walen has all the time in the world. He'll wait,and wait he will. It's fine if you're stubborn , Walen supposes this will be a punishment for you in its own way. Torture that you've created for yourself.

"It's okay y/n" Walen whistles, seating down Infront of the door and playing at the door knob to tease you. "I'll wait for you.


You break on the third day as expected. Walen just sits there and listens intently, his ears pressed tightly over the door as he hears you weep and cry oh so sweetly for comfort, for food. The wolf hybrid can imagine it as clear as day in his brain. The image, you curled up in such a dingy room and wailing for solace in need.It almost makes him feel bad. Almost. He waits, for another hour or so until a instinctual tick in his brain tells him his wait is over.

Its time.

He stands up, rattles the doorknob and chuckles to himself before knocking the door down. It splinters with a crack and he pushes it aside with a creak to take a good look at his mate he's been stalling for days now.

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