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Yandere f!best friend x NB reader

thoughts of violence, jealousy, obsession, suicidal thoughts, insanity, delusions, murder, character death , suicide

(Note: mmm how bout no)

Words: 3419

It's a hot, buzzing afternoon, the blazing sun casting an invisible scorching heat and a lazily slow day to pass. The two of you -sat carelessly across the curb of the sidewalk and it's tar underneath- listening to the cicadas droning about, one hand with a shared ice popsicle the other with a paper fan fanning away to no avail. Just the two of you enjoying each other's presence as lifelong best friends, no disruption, no heartbreaks along the way, no one to separate the inseparable.

"Y/n" she turned to face her best friend, her crush, her lover, her enemy. Her face, red from either a confession or the heat of summer days.

"Are we friends in every other universe?" An inquiry with an expected answer. Y/n looked back at her, with pretty eyes and a even prettier smile.

"Of course we are!"


That was the friendship Emilia wanted. That was the friendship she had hoped she'd received.

She did not.

Expect the unexpected for then that would be expected. Emilia did not do that either, for how do you expect the unexpected when you're not even aware it would happen? You were her best friend -afterall.

Keyword were.

She looks as you from afar, hands intertwined and laughing sweetly with another student, another person who is not her.

You were supposed to be her best friend. She thought she was good enough for you.

Was I always that replaceable?

She looked back from the side benches of the gymnasium, the squeaks of shoes and the chattering of other peers.

Or was I just never your best friend in the first place?

Emilia takes her fingers and she counts. Who else was she friends with?


That one.


That's all she has, you. Emilia only had you. Yet you- seemingly too kind to be true, too loveable, too outgoing for others, was a friendship magnet to everyone you met.

I cared too much for you, too much when you didn't even liked me as much as I liked you. For that, Ive made a fool of myself.

It's a bitter thought, dreadful and succumbingly painful, leaving a gaping whole of emptiness in Emilia's chest.

I've made a fool of myself for you.

She watches, watches as another person makes you giggle, another boy -Wilson- blandly spoken, just another speck in a dust. And Emilia feels it, she feels the burning scorching rage, the suffocating jealousy and envy for that one boy that you seemed to prefer more. But underneath it all, the root of all these violent emotions-

Emilia feels the loneliness.

It's quiet maws -painfully cold and darkness- envelope her in a state of dread so indescribable -a feeling that physically makes her chest clench in discomfort.


That is the root cause of all this demise and lament Emilia feels. The seed to the rotten tree that's grown in her heart.

★ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔁 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -oneshots  ★Where stories live. Discover now