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Requested by vannyisdead

Yandere popular guy x male! y/n

SA, Murder, gore, obsessive behavior, unhealthy relationships, abuse

(Note: all these works are fictional! I don't support them irl nor do condone that kinda behavior)

Words: 2841

"Is it true?"


"Bro! You know what I'm talking about, is it true that my bestest friend has a date tonight?"  Haruki teased playfully, the taller dude nudging you with his elbow with a smile plastered over his face, you flush inwardly, burying your hands into your book and leaning away.

"S..stop..don't be so loud about it.."  you mumble back softly. It's always been like this. You and Haruki, brothers in arms, best friends since your diapers then to kindergarten, elementary and highschool. Two peas in a pod and always inseperatable. You had just moved into your college dorm and so far , Haruki had managed to get the same dorm as you. was this luck? Definitely. Though you weren't complaining. He was your best friend after all, although both of you were polar opposites. While Haruki was confident, you were meek, while Haruki was popular, you were secluded, Haruki the sun, y/n the moon.

It was no doubt your best friend had many fangirls, so much so you remember quite so vividly always having to wait alone during lunch at highschool for him to shoo away his crowd of wooing ladies with some sweet words -before rushing over to hang out with you. He had always teased you into never getting a girl with your quietness, but it seemed like lady luck thoughts otherwise. Just a week before orientation in college one of the girls in the campus had asked you out. Was it for fun? A prank? You didn't know, but when you broke the news to your best friend Haruki, his surprised expression was worth it.

"Awh, come on! Cheer up, today's your big day!" He joked, wrapping a arm around you and nuzzling his face into your hair. Yes, have you forgotten to mention what a touchy person Haruki is? He hugs you often, sometimes in bed. Though you don't put much thought to it, maybe that's just how he shows his appreciation. "Y'know I would kill to see whos the lucky girl!"

You squeak but make no response, turning away with bright red cheeks before huffing silently. "Mhm, its none..none of your business... I'll tell you after the..date.."

"Yeah, sure sure.." he laughed mirthlessly, though it doesn't sound too brightly happy like it intended to. And hand secretly scooping you up as he heaved you up into his embrace, bringing you along to the couch of your shared dorm and plopping you there before abruptly big spooning you.

"Eep-! Haruki-!" You start, obviously flustered by the position, it's not like you haven't done this with him before, but for a friend this seems oddly intimate.

"Shh.." he mumbled lazily into the crook of your neck, and you almost shift away at his hot breath. "My best friend needs some rest before his big, big date , doesn't he?"

"Ack-! H-haru- I don't.." you protest silently but quietened down when he tugs at your hair slightly. "Mh-?"

The larger man didn't respond, muffling your mouth with his hand before sighing softly -man what a mood swing, almost a second ago he had been so ecstatic...

"Sleep for me?"

A whisper, softly into your ear and you feel yourself melt slightly, whether from embarrassment or fluttered on his closeness. You Couldn't tell.


Though your eyes are closed , you can feel the smile playing on his lips before he hides you into his chest like a precious thing. Yeah, maybe you do need some sleep.

★ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔁 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -oneshots  ★Where stories live. Discover now