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(requested by TheSteampunkTrio )

Yandere siren x NB Pirate reader

Body horror, gore, blood, violence, obsession, kidnapping.

(Words: 2548)

Luciene does not have many visitors.

Well that's a contradicting statement, no? There are a multitude of fishes in her swamp, a variety of water critters she so often swims and plays about before killing them for lunch. But when you live in a remote island closed off to the rest of the world, more over in a swamp no less, its hard to find company with mindless creatures. Truth to be told, shes never seen a mermaid from sea -freshwater siren, she curses herself silently- even less one in the swamp she's grown so used to.

Ofcourse, years of solitude bores her beyond imagination, the endless swirling and twirling about in circles for hours on end in her territory drives her mad, sometimes she crawls on shore, rests herself on a low gnarly tree branch that drooped down into her marshes, flinging herself up to see the horizon on the sunny beach just a few good meters away from the coverage from the jungle. She watches from afar as the waves crash and wonders:

If I wasn't cursed to breath freshwater, id gladly take a deep dive into the salty sea, rid myself of this vehemently cursed island and swim into the open ocean of its endless expansion.

But Atlas, in contrast to a ocean with no end, all Luciene has is a small bog she can call home. It's frustratingly hard to not claw herself from the endless buzzing of insects and years on end she kills her fish friends more violently, drags out the chase to gain more adrenaline and when there are no critters around, she lashes out on the plantation that surround her swamp instead, ripping past the lilypads and water hyacinths furiously before delving back into the muds of her swamp to sulk silently.

Ofcourse, a decade or so, something is bound to change. Something Is always  bound to change. The day starts off simple, routinely as always, Luciene rouses awake in her usual nest -a small little cove swaddled in leafy fiolage right beneath a large, crooked mangrove tree- she sheathes her jagged fins and sharpens her claws for another round of hunting until-

She hears it.

The sound of humans, speaking . It's muffled, barely above a whisper but Luciene hears it anyway. Her eyes widened by a fraction, with a  fling of her claudal fin, Luciene swims across the pond and heaves herself up to see the surface above.

There are humans in the island, her island. Just a small dot in the sands, Luciene sees them, their large willow ship crashed and tattered upon the sandy shores, half sunken in the crashing waves that had brought them here.

A few of them groaning and speaking in tiny incoherent sentences that Luciene cannot make out, but there is one human that piques her interest. You.

You're much closer to the jungle than the rest of your crewmates, trudging past the shrubbery to find -what Luciene can make out- fresh, drinkable water on this stranded island. Are you a pirate? Luciene wonders distantly, you're too beautiful to be one. But when she sees your approach she dives back down into the swamp, and from underneath the murky surface she sees you, watches as you dunk your head into the cooling water to refresh yourself.

"What are we going to do?" She hears you weep, you're speaking to another crewmate.

"Our ship is practically in tatters thanks to that storm and now we're stranded on this island!"

Luciene nearly holds back the urge to lunge at you underneath the water, this was the opportunity of a lifetime, it's so so incredibly hard to not just drag you into the water , hide you in her cove and keep you as a treasure to be cherished.

★ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔁 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -oneshots  ★Where stories live. Discover now