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Yandere pirate x mermaid! Y/n

Non consensual touching, toxic relationship, manipulation , light smut(?)

(Note: I don't really like how this story turned out so I'll consider making another one 🤓☝️)


It's cold tonight. Ofcourse it's cold every night in the Barrels bay, a resting point for sea hardened pirates -riddled with the salt of the sea and calloused like the very corals beneath them. No place like home for greedy, gold thieving men like Alistair F' . He huffs to himself. Glancing warily at the raucously loud men in the inn with their game of cards, each one trying to outdo the other. Damn annoying if you asked him. Can't a pirate just get a good drink for once without any distractions?

I need a fucking breather. This tavern reeks of sweat and blood.

Then again, he supposed he should be used to it by now. He tossed a good penny to the wench who's been trying to loosen him up for awhile now , gesturing her to fuck off. To which she does, reluctantly but finally. Thank God , I was wondering when she'd leave. And with one finally swig of his rum he slams it down on the table, huffing unsatisfied and in a particularly unpleasantly sour mood as he scooched out of the inn into the cold, dark frigid air.

Last mission had been unsuccessful, going wrong in so many ways. Ofcourse being a pirate comes with it's endless trail and error. But last weeks fuck up had made them lag behind far more than anyone in the crew could foresee. Now they're scarce of food and supplies , and the damaged hull of their ship isn't going to fix itself. This is the very few times they've gotten so rock bottom it could rival the mariana trench. And fuck If this day couldn't get any worst for him.

Alistair groaned, the cold air of the coast blowing at him. He's tired, exhausted and most important, hungry. When was the last time i had a good damn meal? His eyes glare into the starless sky, like he's expecting a answer. Not recently. That's for sure.

The palm trees seem to sway by his every step, almost rhythmic. There's a odd melody in the wind , he heard it earlier when they boarded the island but he didnt pay much mind to it. Until now ofcourse , it's a soft tune- barely noticeable but it's there alright, tickling his ears in a odd way.

He turns his head left, then right. Feeling it's presence coming from the jungle right past the inn ; the breeze seemingly blowing him forward to this foreboding presence within the cover of darkness.

Huh. Alastair thinks. that's odd. Well there's no hurt in taking a peek right? He's got nothing to lose. Not anymore anyway.

Slowly steering himself away from the harbor as he went off track the paved roads, he brushed past the bristled leaves into the shadows -the moonlight doing very little to help guide him through the way. But the melody. It's getting louder and louder by each step he took, soft and sweet. Like a tender lullaby pulling him in. Soon, Alastair finds himself wanting to discover the mystery behind this ominous music.

The rest of the jungles sounds seem to die out as Alastair trudged forward, past the shrubbery and bushes as he finally reached a clearing-

There! Right there. In the middle of a rocky river, Alastair finds his pupils dilating with one thought. Greed.

It's you. A merfolk, slender body, pale skin and singing lonesomely under the moonlight, you're perched over a rock and your iridescent tail seems to sway like the very water you live in.

What's a beauty like you doing here? Usually, merfolks don't even come up to the surface of the water. Yet here you are, far from the opening of the sea, it's low tide now, the water you're in doesn't even reach up to his knees. You'd have to swim a great distance from this shallow, rocky river to reach deeper depths. A perfect place to be hunted in.

★ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔁 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -oneshots  ★Where stories live. Discover now