We're All Criminals

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Bucky looked down at his running shadow to see another in the shape of a man overlapping his. Soon he was kicked to the ground, but he soon caught his footing. Rhaenyra and Bucky both stopped with a deadly stare, looking at the man in front of them. The Prince turned King of Wakanda, T'Challa. Or, The Black Panther.

He unleashed his claws as he dashed towards the two soldiers. It was just and endless cycle, he would kick one away just to have the other come up and punch him. Though Rhaenyra and Bucky both have extensive training, they were both impressed by his speed, punches, and footwork.

The three of them fought for a while more before T'Challa threw Bucky into the side of an air conditioning unit and pinned him there. He went to dig his claws into Bucky's face, but a blue mist swiped him away in a second.

T'Challa started to fight with Rhaenyra next, but soon made his way back over to Bucky. But Bucky tackled him to the ground, momentarily pinning him to the roof. T'Challa flipped both of them over and went for Bucky's face again. He grabbed a metal bar close by and blocked T'Challa's claws once more, but it was soon getting harder.

Steve looked down from the balcony from the other building and saw the three of them before looking into the sky to see Sam.

"Sam southwest rooftop."

"Who the hell is the other guy?"

"I'm about to find out."

Steve got a running start before jumping onto the edge of the rooftop, and seeing a helicopter come out of nowhere.

T'Challa's claws kept narrowing towards Bucky's face, but Rhaenyra saw this and a blue orb was put between the two, giving Bucky's arm a slight rest and causing T'Challa to look at her.

The helicopter was now firing bullets at T'Challa and the two soldiers, causing them to duck for cover as T'Challa stood up to his full height.

"Sam." Steve commanded.

"Got him." Sam said back as he kicked the tail of the helicopter, sending it flying back.

Taking the moment of distraction, Bucky and Rhaenyra grabbed their backpacks and took off at a sprint again. They jumped over the railing and landed on a ledge. Bucky looked up as Rhaenyra looked down, it was clear of any police on the street, but Bucky still saw T'Challa in a hot pursuit of them. They jumped down and landed on their feet while T'Challa glided down the side of the building. Rhaenyra was in the lead with Bucky right behind her. They still had a start on T'Challa.

Steve soon jumped down to join them, landing on his shield then taking off at a sprint again.

The three of them were all running after Rhaenyra, having not a clue on where she was going, and in all honesty she didn't really know either.

Soon the helicopter reappeared and started firing at them again. Below them was a highway, full of cars, but it offered cover. So that's where they went Rhaenyra jumped down with Bucky behind her wasting no time to go into a run again. T'Challa and Steve soon followed.

After they landed, the police where starting to chase them too, the officer shouted something at Steve but he ignored it and kept running.

Steve then had an idea he jumped on top of the car, cracking the windshield. He went over to the drivers side door and pulled the man out. He kicked out the windshield and sped off after the other three.

Rhaenyra jumped I over cars as her and Bucky were almost tripping cause of the speed their legs were carrying them.

T'Challa was running by cars until he saw Steve, then he jumped onto the back of the police van he was driving. Steve looked in his mirror, saw T'Challa and started to swerve, trying to buy Rhaenyra and Bucky some time.

[1.2] SULLEN, james 'bucky' barnesWhere stories live. Discover now