Chapter 3

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Pov. Thomas Jefferson

I loved the feeling of James bare chest pressed against mine. I wished I could take off my own shirt and snuggle against him smothering him with kisses. I wanted to kiss him and cuddle him and just make him happy. I would do anything to make sure he would never be hurt again.I looked down at him now in my arms wishing my fantasies could become a reality.I looked at all his bruises and scars riddling his perfect body. I had to know.

"Jemmy, who did this to you" I asked.

He looked down, pain filled memories in his eyes before whispering

"my father" his tone was barely audible.

He looked like he was about to start crying again.I had always thought his Father just worked a lot since James never spoke about him but I never thought his life was like this.I wanted to wrap his heart in blankets and melt down all his problems so I could sculpt them into the perfect life for him.I wanted to make him feel safe and protected where ever he went and never let him get hurt again.

"did he do anything other than hit you" asked trying to be as comforting as possible by wrapping my arms around him.His face fell and he zoned out a little his face looking more and more distraught.

"he would um cut, me ,and burn me, and L-last night h-e"Jemmy couldn't finish his sentence before he started crying again. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to my chest letting him cry into me.I put my hands on his back rubbing circles on his back till his breathing slowed down back to normal and he stopped crying.He stopped crying and just rested his head on my chest leaning into me and letting out a small sigh. after an hour of just sitting there together I was getting hungry.

"Jemmy, I'm hungry" I said wrapping my arms around him rocking back and forth a little he seemed to blush before replying.

"okay Tommy" he said, wiggling out of my grasp and walking towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge to find the best food in the world awaiting me.

"Mac n Cheese" I cried out holding the container triumphantly in the air. I heated up the cheesy goodness and brought it to the table putting some in a bowl for my Jemmy.I mean Jemmy... James.We ate our mac n cheese quietly at the table.

"do you wanna watch a movie" I asked putting an arm around him. he flinched making me instantly feel guilty, before nodding and looking back at me. we scrolled through Netflix before picking a random movie. I got a fuzzy purple blanket and wrapped us both in it.he still hadn't put his shirt back on and I wanted to take mine off so badly. He was so perfect in every way possible. He hugged me putting his head on my chest making my heart flutter.As the movie went on he had his head snuggled so close till his head was almost under my shirt. His arms were wrapped gently around my waist. I tried to be as still as possible, but I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I wanted to kiss him sweetly and hold him in my arms before bringing him to my bed and cuddling with him till he felt safe and far away from this world and all of the horrible problems it had.

It was around 10:30 at night when Jemmy had nearly passed out with his face on my chest as he was curled in my lap. I picked him up cradling him in my arms trying my hardest not to hurt him. I rocked him in my arms a little before putting him down on the guest room bed wishing he could sleep on my bed with me instead of right here alone.I took off my own shirt and pants before laying down on my bed across the hall from James. I wanted him to be there with me snuggling into my chest and hugging me gently, as I rubbed his back while whispering sweet things in his ear.

It was 12:36 when I heard the sound of crying coming from Jemmy's room. I got up out of bed and ran over to his room worried for him. what if he was hurting himself again, what if something had hurt him. I walked into the room and saw Jemmy. he was sitting up on his bed crying while covering his face with his hands.I wrapped my arms around him before he flinched, pushing me away yelling.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME DAD, PLEASE DON'T DO IT AGAIN, I'M SORRY, I"M SORRY YOU CAN HIT ME AS MUCH AS YOU WANT JUST NOT AGAIN PLEASE!!! I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!" before breaking down in sobs and small gasped repeating the words sorry over and over again.

"hey it's okay Jemmy it's me, Tommy" I said, sitting down on the bed. he looked a little scared, before seeing that it was me and he shakily moved a little closer to me.

" Jemmy what happened" I asked Looking at his tear covered face.

"I just had a dream about what he did to me last night" he said his voice breaking a little as he hugged his knees close to his chest. I slowly moved closer to him across the bed and he seemed to move closer to me. I slowly placed a hand on his shoulder and his trembling hand slowly wrapped around my waist I leaned closer to him. He slowly moved him self onto my lap still shaking terribly.

"Jemmy I know you don't want to talk about it but... what did he do to you last night" I asked as he slowly looked up at me tears in his eyes. He avoided my gaze trying to look at my eyes but not being able to. He looked down at the bed before opening his mouth and letting out a shaky gasp.

"He...he,he- I- Thomas- He, H-He r-ra-raped-" I cut him off with a tight hug realizing what he was about to say. He was trembling, hugging himself in my arms a new round of tears beginning to form in his eyes as he took shaky breaths.

I didn't say anything he didn't need to hear the violent thoughts going through my head right now. He started crying as I rocked him back and forth in my arms.I didn't show it but I was mad not at Jemmy but at His father. I wanted to make that man pay for hurting Jemmy.I wanted to watch him burn slowly in a fire or have needles stuck in his skin till he died.I couldn't Believe any human person could do that to anyone, to Jemmy.He must have been so scared, having his own family member do that to him.I wanted to make him feel self and happy to never feel pain again.

"Tommy I'd feel safer if I- could I maybe sleep with you tonight...If that's okay with you" he mumbled looking up at me.

" It's okay, I'm here for you" I said sweetly holding him close. I picked him up and carried him to my room laying him on my bed before laying down next to him.He was still letting out tiny sobs as I rubbed his back. he clung to me pushing his head closer to my chest feeling his tears run down my chest.I know we were just friends but I wanted to kiss him so badly tell him I love him, but he was hurting right now and I shouldn't tell him in this state not like when he was like this. He fell asleep on my chest and I gently hugged him, till I fell asleep with him safe in my arms.

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