Chapter 10

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time skip to the evening

pov. Aaron Burr

I glanced at my bedroom window. I was typically never the kind of person to do this but... I opened it and removed the screen. I nervously  stepped out onto my roof clutching my father's gun in my hand. I held it carefully before slowly climbing off my roof onto the ground. I slowly walked down the dark streets till I made it to Thomas's place. I swear to god that boyfriend stealing little fuckboy was going to get it. I took a deep breath about to walk up there and blow his head off his shoulder when someone touched my shoulder. I spun around only to see Charles standing there. His usually nicely combed hair was a bit messy and It looked like he had been crying. He was glaring at me and I noticed tears in his eyes.

"Charlie" I asked quietly.

"Aaron" He said back his voice sounding stone cold.

"what the fuck are you doing" he hissed making me freeze.

"I-I-"I stammered not knowing what to say.

"I mean look at yourself about to murder some boy because Thomas Loves him" Charles said anger in his voice.

"I- It just hurts so bad- I loved him for years-" I tried to say.

"I LOVED YOU FOR YEARS YOU IGNORANT BITCH! I WANTED YOU! I CARED ABOUT YOU! I TRUSTED YOU! I LOVED YOU SINCE I MET YOU BUT NOW..." He yelled tears streaming down his face as he looked at me. My heart froze in my chest, he loved me, My Charlie loved me.

"But now, go fuck your life Aaron just leave me out of it" He said making my heart crumble. He turned and walked away. I held back my tears, dropped the gun and ran after him.

"Charlie" I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE AARON!!!" He screamed pushing me to the ground.

"and to think I loved you" He murmured almost to himself before leaving. I walked away toward my house feeling numb. It felt like all my emotions were dead. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I had lost Thomas when he wasn't even mine. I had tried to kill a man. I had lost the one person you cared about me. I climbed back up onto my roof and onto my bed. I curled up before bursting into tears. I hugged a pillow and began to sob to myself thinking of Charlie. I fucked up, Charles loved me, and I had just ruined it. I had taken the one person who loved me, who trusted me, who cared, and tore that all to shreds. I thought of all the times we'd shared. I felt so happy, so peaceful, so warm, I felt amazing when I was with him. I loved him, I was in love with him and now he hates me. If I had just been quicker to see it, if I could just have been less stupid. I hugged a pillow close to me sobbing out his name as the thoughts of him flooded around me. I got up stumbling over to my desk and snatching my pocket knife. I could end this all right now, I could go die and fix everything. Thomas and James wouldn't have to worry, Charles would be happier, I could see Theo again, I could see my mother again. I slit my wrist watching the blood flow out. It wasn't enough, I almost ran to the bathroom, I dug through the medicine cabinet soaking everything around me in blood. after a few seconds I found a bottle of Advil. I popped off the lid pouring as much as I could into my mouth. I swallowed feeling my stomach lurch and everything spin. I began to see black and fell to the ground before passing out.

Time skip three days

Pov. Charles Lee

I stalked down the street back home. Aaron hadn't been at school for the past three days. Even though I said I didn't I still loved him. My heart still longed for his touch and his smile. I made my way home only to see mom Passed out on the couch cigarettes and bottles around her. I gagged at the smell an walked to my little sisters Room.

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