Chapter 7

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pov. Aaron Burr

I awoke to feel Charles in my arms. I must have shifted in my sleep, I was lying down and Charles was on top of me. his head was on my chest and my arms were tightly hugging him, His legs were tangled with mine. I hadn't ever felt the way I did now. Was this love? No, I loved Thomas not Charles...Right? I had done so much to try to get him to notice me and I wanted him... Right? was I so focused on just getting him to love me that I hadn't realized I had fallen for someone else? I felt one hand slowly gravitating towards his soft hair and I began to comb it with my fingers. "I don't love him, I love Thomas I- he's just a really great friend to me" I reassured myself through my thoughts. I felt him shift a little and he muttered something that I couldn't understand before nuzzling his face to my chest. I clung to him a little tighter with one arm and rubbed his back with my thumb. He let out a small yawn and opened his eyes looking up at me.

"Hey Charlie" I said sweetly bopping him on the nose. He blushed bright rose red.

"good morning Ronnie" He mumbled head still resting on my chest. I blushed a little thinking of the nickname he just gave me. He continued to lay on top of me before saying.

"so are you gonna let me go..." I blushed realizing I was still holding him in my arms.

"Oh r-right sorry" I apologized, letting go of him. He sat up and I moved my legs so he could sit down beside me. He still looked a little sleepy and I placed one arm around him letting him rest his head on me. I wanted him to be right here just like this,forever. "I want this" part of my brain thought.He gave me a small hug, mumbling to himself.

"I still have school today" He muttered letting go.

"oh yeah... bye, Charlie" I replied hesitantly for some reason not wanting to let him go. I sadly watched him leave and I got up stretching. I walked inside and found my stepmom at the table then my eyes widened. My dad had already gone to work and he had walked past the porch swing. Past me... past Charles and me cuddling.

"Aaron" She said tapping the table next to an empty chair. I sat down next to her panic shooting through my brain.

"Your father and I wanted to tell you we do support how you feel..." she started.

"I-me- Charles is just my friend" I managed to get out before she could finish. I could feel sweat beginning to form on my forehead, this was so awkward. She raised an eyebrow at me and took a sip of her coffee.

"So why were you and your "friend" cuddling out on the porch swing last night" she asked emphasizing the word friend.

"I just fell asleep and he must have fallen asleep too and we were kinda close and one thing led to another..." I finished trailing off at the end. She gave me a look of pure skepticism before letting out a sigh.

"Well you're still grounded Aaron to your room now" She said with a dismal wave of her hand. I walked up to my room and laid down on my bed with a sigh. I grabbed a pillow in my arms. It felt almost comforting, like I was holding Charles. It seemed so nice to hold him in my arms as he slept. Pressed my face into the pillow and rested it there for a while. I wanted him to be here with me. I should want Thomas with me, I needed him with me... Right? I Need Him. I wanted Him. If I love someone it has to be him. I let out a heavy sigh before feeling tears form in my eyes. I buried my face into the pillow and cried a little before reminding myself.

"you love Thomas"

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