Chapter 4

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pov. Thomas Jefferson

I woke up and James was in my arms his head still pressed against my chest.I looked over at my clock. 7:00 a.m. I should probably be getting ready but I couldn't force myself to leave him alone in this bed. besides he had woken up at least 5 different times last night from nightmares. I pulled him a little closer to me and murmured to myself on how perfect he was. I had loved him since 6th grade that was 5 years ago and every time I saw him I wished he could be mine and now I wanted that even more I could lean down and kiss him  on his cute face.

James let out a cute little yawn and stretched a little before looking up at me with his large chocolate eyes.I let go of him and we both got up off my bed. I could have sworn he was blushing but I didn't ask. he left the room and I got dressed quickly before seeing him in his worn out bloody shirt as he put on his black hoodie I could see he had tried to fix the sleeve with duct tape and failed miserably.

"Come on Jemmy" I said leading him back to my room and getting a dark purple sweatshirt,white t-shirt and an old pair of jeans that didn't fit me anymore from my closet and giving it to James.

"Thanks Tommy" he whispered. I left the room and when he stepped out I couldn't help but smile the sweatshirt nearly fell down to his knees and the sleeves were past his hands  the jeans were a little large on him but still fit, he looked so cute. I blushed before walking into the kitchen and making some breakfast for both of us.  we both ate breakfast and got ready together I drove him to school. after a couple classes me and Jemmy met up with Aaron before lunch as we walked I saw the devil itself. Alexander Hamilton. Him and his little group (Hercules,Lafayette,John)  were by a locker doing Lin knows what. I tried to walk past not in the mood to start a fight but Hamilton had a different idea.

He stopped me in the halls even though I towered above him.

"What do you want Hamiltrash" I said trying to step past him.

"You're gonna pay for what you said about my mother, Jeffershit" He said glaring up at me. 

I thought back in my memory trying to remember what had been said... Nope I couldn't remember, whatever. Jemmy opened his mouth trying to say something but Hamilton cut him off.

"Honestly I don't understand why you even hang out with them, They don't even like you anyway, burr just is using you, and Jefferson probably hates you and just sees you as a bargaining tool also by the way he looks at you he probably wants to fuc-" 

I cut him off with a punch to the jaw. He staggered backwards and I turned around only to have John jump at me hitting me in the back of the head I was fighting Hamilton and Laurens off and had Hamilton half pinned to a locker as John made repetitive blows to my back. I watched as Lafayette who was trying to fight Aaron but got punched in the Chest. I should have paid better attention, I should have been there for him. I watched in horror as Hercules swung at Aaron full force. Aaron moved just in time not knowing who was behind him.

Hercules hit James at full force in the chest I heard a sickening crack as he flew backward and hit a locker with a crash before falling to the floor. I dropped Hamilton and ran over to James.His eyes were shut and his body was limp... he was still breathing shallow breaths. I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes.No, no,no, not Jemmy, anyone but not Jemmy. I picked him up in my arms tears now falling down my face as I held him close to me. He still hadn't opened his eyes as I cried wishing He would wake up and be fine.Before anything else happened Mr. Washington stepped into the hallway.

"My office, Now" he growled at us before looking at me.

"take Madison to the nurse before you go to the office" He said anger still in his voice.

I carried him to the nurse. Mrs. Washington open the door and let out a shocked gasp before taking James out of arms and putting him on a small bench.I let out a heavy sigh and wiped the tears from my eyes before walking into Mr. Washington's office. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife.Washington was talking to someone probably the nurse. I felt so small as I sat down next to Lafayette far away from Hamilton.Washington put down the phone on his hand with a heavy sigh before looking at all of us.

"so care to explain what happened" Washington said glaring at all of us

"He said-He punched-I didn't mean to-" everyone began to speak at once.

"Stop" Washington said making all of us go silent.He pointed at Alexander and told him to go first.

"why does it even matter" Alexander mumbled under the breath. Washington slammed at fist on the table making us all jump.

"Madison almost cracked a rib and might be in a coma because of what happened So YES HAMILTON it does matter" He said glaring at Alexander.

"fine, Look I said some things that made Thomas mad and he punched me so John punched him and Aaron and Lafayette started fighting James got hit in the crossfire" Alexander finished. I wanted to yell at him that was not what happened, how is he so self centered.

"John anything to add" Washington said sounding a little less angry

"No sir"John said his voice shaking


"No sir" Aaron grumbled

"Hercules?"as Washington asked Hercules looked like he was going to start crying

"I-I punched James- I was trying to hit Aaron But I hit him-"Hercules finished blinking back tears. Even I felt a little bad for him.

"Thank you Hercules... Now Lafayette?"

"Non, Désolé monsieur" He said his French accent thick. then Washington turned to me.I wanted to yell at Hamilton and call him a liar I wanted to tell him everything that had been said but that would just make the punishment worse.

"No,Sir." I said trying to hide the anger in my voice.

after a lengthy lecture we all had detention and had been suspended for one week, Hercules had been suspended for an extra week.I couldn't wait for this to be over so I could see my Jemmy again. Please let him be okay.

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