chapter 3

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Chuuyas pov:

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing, I reached it but it somehow felt hard to, I finally reached my phone who was buzzing on my bed side tables,

-hello this is chuuya nakahara...
-why hello chuuya
-who's this again..

I could hear a slight chuckle from the phone.
-oh chuuya, it's me Mori.
I really didn't care because I was half asleep half awake.

-oh my apologies boss, but why did you call??
-well... About that... I wanted to inform you on new years eve in 4 weeks we will be celebrating it with the ADA members.

-ok, but why are you even sayin this know, I said tierdly.
-well I have nothing to do so I thought u could tell everyone know.
-Mhm yea ok.
And he then clicked on the red button.

I continued to snuggle in on a chest, I wasn't thinking about it at first but then I realized. I slowly started to open my eyes to reveal a sleeping dazai beside me. I jolted a bit but I couldn't get up he had his arms around me I would never imagine dazai to be this strong   I than just gave up and looked at him, he looks so peaceful sleeping on my bed, my heart started racing at my view.

-you can stop staring your gonna make me burst slug.

That caught me off guard but I was somehow not shocked, I chuckled a bit

-maybe if you would've let me go I wouldn't stare at you like that.
-don't wanna, I'm too comfortable.
-hahaha funny let me go know
-listen t-
-Nuh uh

-Putain de salope, laisse-moi partir ou je te tue à mains nues!!!!! I said angrily.

Dazai looked at me scared but confused, he was scared of my scream but confused of what I just said.

-what the hell..
-what the hell are you talking about slug 
-huh?, I'm litterly half France half Japanese what are you yaping about.
-yes I know, but what the fuck did you say
-use goggle translate.
-Dream about it.
An hour passed and we were sitting in the kitchen, dazai facing the TV and me tidying the place up a bit, today was the day the members are gonna have a sleepover at mine, they always be calling me "papa" and I don't understand why, I mean come on the only thing I do is just help them, patch them up when they have mini injuries, make food for them, look after them. It's not all that anyway.

-what is it dazaai.
-do you have plans todaaay???
-well it's my day off and some of the port mafia members are coming on a sleepover, why?
-well I have a day off too, I rarely have them but I wanted to be with you todaaay.
-well you could hang along with us I said shyly
-reallyyyy!!! Chibi wants me to be with him on his sleepoveeeer!!! I'm flatterd.
-shut up.

Dazai looked at me with a big smile I couldn't help myself from smiling back, I shook my head and told him to stop smiling.

-chibiiii who is cominggg
-well gin, aktugawa, higuchi (forgot his name) couldn't come cus he has a date with a secret person.

-I have an idea.

-huh?? I said
-yknow I have a felling aktugawa has a soft spot for atsuhi,
-and atsuhi keeps talking about him to me, considering he figured out where I used to work, he continued

-I think I know where your going with this... I said smilingly.

-you just get me chibikoo. He said looking at me with a slight blush.
-duuuh who else would, putain d'homme charmant et stupide...
-what does that last part mean?
-I'm not saying-
He whined while cleaning on my clothes begging to tell him what it means. I would never tell him what it means, I would just emmbers myself.

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