chapter 8

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I woke up to warm hands wrapped around my waist, I was already sure it was dazai, but strangely I felt, something was wrong. This person wasn't dazai, it seemed too small and short to be dazai.

I slowly peeked behind me, it was a little girl, she was, hugging me. Her face was ingraved on my shirt, so I couldn't see who it was, she slowly looked up at me. It was, her

I woke up from my sleep, startled, I started to breath heavily, this girl isn't normal, who was she, what does she want from me, did I do something, AND WHAT THE F*CK DOES SHE MEAN BY HELP ME BIG BRO?!?!.  this is driving me crazy, I want to figure out who this girl is, I already have an idea of who she is to me, I'm not sure, but she most likely is my little sister.
-chu chu... Why did you wake uuuuup?? We have a day ooooffff.
I looked at dazai a bit panickee, he looked back at me with a worried face, but he still somehow kept that little small smile on his face.
-cm'ere chu chu...
I didn't even budge, I threw myself into his embrace.
-thx, marckel...
-dont worry about it chu chu, I will protect you from know on. He proceeds to wrap his arms all over me, I didn't even bother too move, this was simply the most comfortable position ever.

Next morning

I was making breakfast for two in the kitchen, when I heard the tap water in my bathroom open up, the door was obviously a bit open so I could hear things slightly better.

Dazai came into the kitchen minutes later after, he wrapped my waist with his arms from behind, leaving his arms all over my waist. It was a rather ticklish feeling, but I somehow liked it.
-whatcha making chu? Said dazai while learning his head onto my shoulders letting some of his straight brown hairs fall to the side he was leaning on.

-what does it look like I'm doing jackass?
-why do you have to be so mean chu chu.. And so early too? I'm not a little kid y'know. He said while letting go of my waist, I could feel myself getting cold again, I didn't want him to let go, but I don't want to get so attached either, what should I do?
-I know you are not a kid, daz-
-don't ever call me that he said dramatically
-why not?, you let others call you that why not let me call you that? I spoke back harshly

Dazai looked at me for a while when he suddenly smirked at me.
-is chibi jealousssssssss~~?
I stopped wisping the eggs and slowly turned around, i looked at him nervously, trying to hide the fact my ears and cheeks were burning up.
-n-no what the f*ck is even wrong with you, i-idiot...

He looked at me amused while I was frying the eggs.
-but it seems like it~ I thought you never get jealous~

I could feel my blood boil little, by little.
-dazai.fucking.osamu never tell me I'm felling something when I'm clearly not felling that emotion.

-but am I wrong, nakahara??

That was my last straw, how could he ever call me by my first name, he always uses nicknames, and not gonna lie, I do like it.

-yknow what you chienne, I am, I will admit, I'm jelouse your friends can call you dazai and I can't cus you somehow get angry for it, it litterly doesn't even make sense, I'm your boyfriend for gods sake.

That came out of me without even realizing it, this will not end well, I think.

My eyes we're focused on dazai, the frown on my face didn't last long either as he just started giggling and cackling.


He calmed down from his endless cackling and looked over at me, he held me into a warm embrace.

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