chapter 9

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???'s Pov:

I was hungry, tired, sad, angry and done. I haven't slept for a week, I was tired and hungry, the only thing I ate was some gummy bears, they were his favorite, he used to share them with me whenever he had some around. I missed him, a lot at that, I missed his hugs, kindness, voice, food just him.

I walked and walked, the make up on my face was fucked up, I was a total mess, mascara all over my face, my nude lipstick smeared over my lips, my strawberry ginger hair is a total mess, I couldn't do this anymore, I'm tired, so tired, I just want to end this life, I wish I could die, right here and know.

I took a sip from my vodka bottle and dragged myself among the streets of Yokohama, it was silent, no one around and the air swoshing into my face, I liked this, the feeling of silence, I mean I am working as a stripper, I have no choice, I have to, to survive in this world, you have to do the worst of the worst. I stood still and looked at the night sky and how it reflects onto the sea. I smiled, smiled when my big brothers face popped up onto my mind, how could dad sell him to a fucking man. I was so angry, irrated, annoyed, outraged, how could he do that to his own son, the son he grew up,why?,just why..., that moment came back again when he had me onto his arms, he was comforting me, I remember being sad because i got an B on my english test, my dad wasn't so happy about it, and mom, well I think she would have been proud of me.

A tear fell down my cheek, I stared into the ocean I was facing and started sniffiling,
-AGHHHHH!! I HATE YOU DAD!! I HATE YOU!!!!! I screamed with all that I had and ploped down on my knees onto the ground. I hugged my own knees and ingraved my face onto them, and cried out all that I had, I was done, done with everything and everyone.

I saw two figures coming running towards me, who were they and what the hell did they want.
-are you ok...? He asked, the man's voice was, soft but still conferting, and it seemed oddly familiar but a little deeper. I lifted my head a bit to see...

Chuuya's pov:

I looked at the little girl who staring at me in shock, She seemed so terrified, but I don't know why, did I so something wrong?, I haven't even talked to her, why would she look so shocked for.

-hey... Are you ok, young lady? I asked softly
-... No response back she looked messed up, poor girl, she looks so tired and weak.

-hello, my name is dazai osamu, i work at the detective agency and this is my fiance chuuya nakahara, if you talk we could help you. Dazai sadmid with a softened voice. I smiled at him and faced the girl who was looking more terrified than before., ginger hair... She stuterd but loud for us to hear.
-hm?, me?, can I help you, I said softly and conferting.
-m-my n-name is E-Elodi-e nak-nakahara and then she fell down onto my chest, "what in the-"
I was stunned this girl...She has the same name as me, nono, it's probably a coincidence, right? Right...

I looked over at dazai and he looked just as shocked as me.

-m-maybe we should Take her home, what do you say chibi hm? He said while stroking my back.

-y-yeah, we can't leave her here anyways, it's super dark and disgusting perverts can do something to her. I said while trying to hold Elodie in bridal style, I did struggle but tried to hide it.

-need help chibi? He asked giggling
-shut up, no.
He looked at me with a "are you sure?" Kind of look and I scoffed at him, like who does he think he is, I'm strong I can take anyo-

-help me samu.
-with pleasure chibikoo, with that said he took the girl and held her in bridal style and we started walking. I looked at what the girl was wearing, it was a pretty black dress, but it was freezing outside. I took my coat off and placed it on her like a quilt. Dazai looked at me with a questionable look but I ignored him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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