chapter 5

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Dazai pov:

It was around 9 pm and I've had just finished work and left over papers.i stretched my back and laid on my chair, I looked at atsuhi's desk to see him driffting into space. I called out his name a few times, but he wouldn't answer.

-helloooooo, earth to atsushi.
-fianlly, what's wrong kitty?
-oh...uhm.. It's just.......
-h-huh?!?! He said blushingly at the boys name.
-n-no ofc not....
I started at him in Dissaproval
-uhomm... Fine.. It maybe is him...
-thought soooo, know tell me, what's bothering you about him??
-i don't know, just everything, he's been acting so strange lately, as if he's trying to avoid as much as possible.
-isn't that what you always wanted tho?? I looked at him amused.
-n-no, I don't want him to avoid me, I don't want to, I want too get closer to him and be there for him, I can't just give up, I need him m-more than anything, what will I do if he really abounds me..?? I looked at atsuhi, something about what he just said pained my heart a bit, ah, I seee know, I understand why, and no, I won't let him go through the same hell I went through, I'm here know and I've learnt from my mistakes.

-yes dazai..?
-I'm going out on a date with chuuya today at 11 pm.
-well you could tag along if you want.
-what, no I don't want to intrude on your special date.
-no hers the catch, I tell chuuya to bring aktugawa, he's really close to aktugawa, so he will probably tag along.

He stood quite for some time, facing the floor he was a bit bothered by the idea. He looked up at me.

-alright, I will tag along.
I smiled gently at him and picked up my phone.

-yooooo chibiiiii!!!!!
-what do you want marckel.
-well I have a request
-huh..? Oh yeah sure what up.
-uh.. Are you ok??
-yes I'm fine, I jus5 zoomed out a bit.
-alright if you say so love.
-so what's up?
-well, it seems like our dear aktugawa has been avoiding atsushi~ and our little atsushi is really sad about it~~~~
-oooohhh~~ alright I will convince him to tag along~~


-bye marckeelll.
-bye pookieeeeee!!

-don't ever say that in your life you corny shit.
*beep, beep, beep*

-... I sometimes wonder how chuuya-san even keeps up with you and your crazy mood swings.
-OHHH atsushi you wound mee!!!!
-alright, shut up and let's get going, I need to get ready, something you should do too.

We separated at the middle of the corridor.
-we will meet here at 10:25 ok??
-alrighttt, cyaaaa


it was currently 10:25 and I was waiting on atsushi at the corridor and he showed up, he was wearing a silicon white blouse with a pair of black pants, he had 3 bracelets wi5h a pair of black glasses but he didn't have a jacket on which he probably should because I believe it was gonna get a bit windy later on.
-where's your jacket atsushi??
-uuuhhh...Well... It's in the dryer which I just turned on...
-stupid idiot, you could've at least brought a sweater or something
-i didn't even think of it, I'm sorryyy
-don't apologize, lets goooo knoowwww!!!

We went into my black car, I told atsushi to get into the back because we were gonna pick them up at chuuya's. The clock was know 10:55 and we were waiting on the two mafiosos to come out, I got out of my car only too see the most yaw dropping, yummy looking creature to ever exist, on the other side I could see aktugawa, he kinda wore the same clothes but he changed his white button up shirt with a black turtle neck shirt, with a touch of his disgues glasses,I wasn't so amazed about his outfit, but I was happy he came. They came towards us and I hugged chuuya so much. I looked at aktugawa who seemed to have blushy cheeks, I knew what he was looking at but I let it.

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