Wetting Winter Chapter 4

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Winter POV(Medical Cave 11:00 am)

The Jade Winglet was walking Winter to the Medical cave. All of them didn't say a word which is what Winter wanted. He was clinging to Moonwatcher as she walked him through the halls. Winter didn't care to look his friends in the eyes. He was too ashamed to face them. After all, what kind of dragon just pisses himself in front of his friends.

When the Winglet arrived at the Medical Cave. A Skywing was sitting at a makeshift desk writing on a scroll.

"Hello, Mrs. Horizon." Moonwatcher greeted.

Horizon looked up from her desk. "Oh hey, I didn't see you there. What can I do for you?" Horizon asked kindly.

Winter was not about to tell a nurse that he had an accident in class.

"Mrs. Horizon, the topic is a little uncomfortable so can I tell you outside the cave?" Moonwatcher asked awkwardly.

Horizon tilted her head at Moon in confusion. "OK? If you insist." Horizon said as she stood up from her desk and followed Moon outside the Cave.

Turtle walked up to Winter. "Hey, Winter... I... that sucks... what you went through back there." Turtle said, struggling to find the right words to say.

Winter wasn't in the mood to be mad right now. Normally he would growl and go on with his day. However this time Winter let out a pitiful Whimper.

Horizon and Moon walked back into the room with a blank expression on both of their faces.

"Winter... I'm sorry that you had to go through that." Horizon said, awkwardly.

Winter turned his head away from Horizon. He was uncomfortable with the subject.

Horizon looked at Moon before turning back to Winter. "Moon thinks you are becoming incontinent, so I plan to run some tests on you to officially confirm that you're incontinent," Horizon explained.

Winter grunted approval. He was too ashamed to speak.

"This isn't your fault Winter. We aren't blaming you for anything." Turtle said, trying to make Winter feel better.

"Shut up!" Winter snapped.

Turtle recoiled from Winter's comment. The entire Winglet diverted their attention to Winter.

"Stop talking about it. The more you talk about it the more I want to slice your face off." Winter said.

"W-winter we are just trying to help," Moon said, stuttering.

Winter sighed. "Just stop talking about it, that will help a ton," Winter said softly. Winter turned to Horizon. "Run your tests, let's get this over with," Winter said as he walked over to the medical table before sitting down.

"Alright, thank you for bringing him up here. I'll take it from here." Horizon said to the Jade Winglet.

"What? No, he's our friend, we are going to stay with him." Peril said defensively.

Horizon shook her head. "No, I can't have you guys miss out on School. I understand he's your friend but this is his problem, not yours." Horizon said.

"His problem is our problem. We face problems together as a group, not on our own." Turtle said.

"Still, I can't have you guys skip school because your clawmate had an accident in class," Horizon said,

Winter growled at Horizons comment. "Stop talking about it!" Winter yelled.

"You listen to me young man, I am an adult and you will treat me with respect, you understand?" Horizon asked.

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