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cha mirae (you)
lee heeseung (your boyfriend [?])
sim jake (your enemy [?])
kang jenna (your bestfriend[?])

lee heeseung, your boyfriend, starts acting different around you. not only heeseung changes but your enemy, sim jake starts to change and turns out to be the only one there for you. as you and jake get closer you realise you have more things in common than you thought you would...

‼️this series contains swear words‼️

"what the actual fuck?!" i scream as all eyes in the corridor look towards our direction.


i, cha mirae, am nineteen and about to turn twenty. i absolutely love creative subjects. i have a boyfriend, lee heeseung, and he is the same age as me but hes a few months older. my bestfriend, kang jenna, is the closest person to me and we know everything about each other. right now im walking across my schools soccer pitch and im giving dirty looks to one of the players, my enemy, sim ja-

"ouch!!!" i yell as everyone come running towards me. i look to the side and see a soccer ball running from the incident. my nose is sore from being hit so i feel my nose and look down at my hands.

"blood! blood!" someone screamed
"sim jake come here right now!" the soccer coach screams and blows his whistle. i look up and see that stupid human staring and grinning at me, knowing what he had done.
"take her to the nurses office!" the coach continues to scream at jake. jake grabs my hand and starts to drag me through the pitch. i scream in pain and the coach yells at him again and tells him to carry me properly. he carries me to the nurses office and heeseung comes running in.

"jake what the f*ck did you do to mirae?!" heeseung yells at him causing jake to sarcastically flinch.
"just teaching her a lesson." jake replies nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. he proceeds to leave the room and heeseung comes and sits next to me.
"you ok?" he asks
"yeah, well at least i think i am.." i say and start laughing but stop as i realise hes giving me a bitter smile. "shouldn't i be asking if you're ok?" i ask heeseung. he tilts his head in confusion and gestures to me that he has to go. he leaves me in the nurses office and jake walks back into the room.

"what the f*ck are you doing back in here? at least say sorry." i tell jake trying to avoid his eye contact.
"sorry not sorry" jake says as he pats my head. i roll my eyes and leave jake in the nurses office and make my way to jenna.

"mirae!" someone shouts my name behind me so i look back to see who it was.
"jenna! i was looking for you!" i reply after seeing my bestfriend.
"i heard what happened you ok?" jenna asks. i reply with a nod and walk with her to the classroom

after a while of being on our phones i decide to see what jenna is doing. i peek at her phone and see a contact:


"jenna!!!" i shriek as she takes back her phone.
"mirae! stop!" jenna screams at me with a little mad tone in her voice. i look at her suspiciously and continue teasing her.
"awww jenna has a mannnn!!! whos the lucky guy?! huh?! huh?!" i say in a playful tone.
"piss off.." jenna says in a low tone and walks off

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