• chapter7_

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jenna dropped jake home and i dropped heeseung home only because i live closer to heeseung and jenna lives closer to jake. heeseung was quite a heavy guy so it took me quite a while to get him to his bed. when i finally did i tucked him into bed and tried to leave but heeseung held onto my wrist.

"mirae.." he said
"yes?.." i replied
"i know you saw the photos yesterday.."


"whatever you're drunk.." i say trying to leave his grip
"even if i wasnt drunk i know you saw them either way." i try to leave again but he pulls me to his bed and gives me a stare, something im familiar with but cant recall on what it meant. heeseung leans towards me as his eyes go down towards my lips. i give him a dirty look and push him away and say
"stop im not going to be your toy anymore."
"stay please.." he grabs my wrist
"ill just call jenna its okay" i say as i pull out my phone to call her. i wait outside his house till jenna arrived. i only told her that he kept calling for her instead of saying that he tried to kiss me because im not a home wrecker..

i call jake on my way home checking up to see if he had sobered up and if he was okay. he said that jenna had given him hangover soup and was starting to get sober. i also told him about how heeseung tried to kiss me. after that our conversation went a little like this:

"you want me to beat heeseung up again?" jake asked
"nonono he just made me feel a little uncomfortable.. and i sorted it out i told him i wasnt going to be toyed by him again." i replied
"there you go.. you've learnt your lesson." jake chuckled then continued, "if you ever need someone to beat him up you know who to call.."
"you of course.."
"mirae.. ill always be by your side no matter what. just remember that.." jake said. i wondered what his face looked like whilst saying that. i didnt know what i looked like as i reacted to his statement however i did know my heart was beating faster.
"haha.. so wholesome.. well just remember you're drunk jakey.." i replied chuckling in disbelief
"well im sober now and whether or not i was drunk it wouldve been the truth either way.." he said confidently making me blush. thankfully he wasnt in front of me or he wouldve teased me for my red face.

jake was trying to show me something after we switched to face time. i walked across the road but didnt do the most vital step before walking.. check if it was okay to g-


i lay in the middle of the road unconscious as jake is displayed on my phone which laid next to my now empty hand..


•_jakes pov:

i come back to my phone to see nothing but pitch black on the camera. i hear lots of commotion through the mic but dont see much. i call out miraes name as i start to hear sirens coming from the background. next thing i see is a police officer picking up miraes phone and telling me she got into an accident with a motorcyclist..


•_back to your (miraes) pov:

i finally gained the strength to open my eyes after what felt like a very long nap. i look out the window and see that it is dark outside and a boy has his head down, sleeping on the space next to me. the boy being little jakey sleeping. i then realise i didnt know where i was and looked around the room and found out i was in the hospital. i start to regain my memory of before i knocked out and try getting out of the bed. jake must've felt me moving as he wakes up and says with his deep 'i-just-had-a-nap' voice, "mirae please wake up." he lifts his head up properly and his eyes widen and say "mirae you're awake! you're awake!!" i smile and he hugs me. he lets go after a while and runs to the door yelling "she woke up doctor!!!"

after a few seconds doctors and nurses come rushing in and examine my health. they continue to tell me that ive been in a coma for around 3 days now because of an accident. luckily i was only hit with a motorbike because if it was a car or truck it wouldve been way worse. i look down as i felt a harsh weight on my arm. i see a cast on my right arm and all these wires going through my skin. the doctors finally left me and jake alone after telling me that i would have to stay for 2 more days so that they can continue to run tests on me to check if everything is okay.

jake told me the story and what i missed out on whilst being unconscious during my accident. he sort of looked down and said, "it was my fault for calling you whilst you were walking on the road im sorry."
"nonono its okay it wasnt your fault it was mine because i didnt check if it was okay to walk." i reassure him. i patted the space next to me indicating to jake that i want him to sit next to me. he did parkour around the wires that i was connected to making sure not to disconnect any. he pulled me into his embrace and told me how he stayed with me the whole time i was in the coma. he said that he would wait there till i would wake up even if it took weeks or even months which honestly made my heart race. he also told me how he snuck into my cupboard where all my belongings were so that my pinky ring would be kept safe.

i was quite unsure on my feelings to jake but the way my heart is racing for him tells me that he is definitely something to me..

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