• chapter2_

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"you gonna answer orrr?" i ask impatiently
"can you go home now? im not in the mood anymore.." heeseung says
"oh.. did i do something wrong? we can do something you want to do this time?" i try changing his mind knowing im probably not the only one there.
"can you just go?!"


heeseung says, almost screaming at me. i honestly flinched and got very scared as he had never acted like this before.

"ok.." i grab my stuff and leave. i dont know why he was acting like that because hes never acted like that but im guessing something happened with the girl he was with earlier. as im walking home i start to shiver in the cold and slowly start crying. i wasnt sure if i was crying because i was cold or i remembered what happened earlier. he had never told me he had any female relatives and its even more suspicious because he didnt tell me who he was meeting and left without notice. im thinking about asking him soon but i need more evidence if he is cheating on me.


its the next day and i woke up with a puffy face because i cried myself to sleep whilst overthinking about the circumstances of why heeseung hugged a girl last night. like theres no problem if she was a friend but he couldve told me that hes meeting up with a friend. today i plan to ask him about it even though im not sure but i want to remove all the stress from my shoulders.


i walk into school and walk to my locker. i see heeseung and try hide my pain and skip towards him. however i halt at an angle where i see another girl standing in front of him. he smiles at her and she tiptoes to give him a peck on his lips. i slowly start crying again and take a step forward to see the girls face fully.

"what the actual fuck?!" i scream as all eyes in the corridor look towards our direction.
"jenna why the fuck did you just kiss my boyfriend?!" i continue screaming and interrogating them as jake walks through the doors. he sees me crying and screaming and runs towards me and spins me to face him. my makeup ruined and my ugly crying face is now being displayed in front of him. heeseung and jenna run to me as well.

"shes just my cousin mirae dont worry!"
"yeah hes my relative!" heeseung and jenna scream at me trying to reassure me.
"then why the fuck are you kissing your cousin?! huh?! huh?! what the fuck!" i continue screaming as jake tries to calm me down.
"mirae calm down please everyones looking. please!"jake tries to comfort me but i refuse and keep screaming and crying.
"my boyfriend literally just cheated on me with my bestfriend! how can i be calm right now?!" i scream and cry in jakes face. heeseung kept patting my back and shoulders, trying to comfort me but i kept replying with: "fuck off you already cheated on me! just leave me alone!" jake keeps begging for me to stop screaming. i gave up at one point and fell to the ground crying and i slowly took in the fact that:

i just got cheated on by the two most important people in the world to me

i stopped screaming and crying as my throat couldnt take it anymore. i decided to skip class and go to the rooftop, where i first met heeseung..


i sat on the rooftop listening to music as i had just had a big fight with jenna. i started at the sky and breathed in the fresh air. i normally sat here if something ever happened that hurt me or i just needed a break from life. i guess someone else needed one because i heard the rooftop door open. i turn around and see a handsome guy. tall, fit and handsome. he made eye contact with me and i waved "hi" to him. he smiled and waved back. he walked towards me and we remained in silence for a while. he then asked:

"so you need to clear your mind too?"
"yeah, too much for me." i replied

we talked about our situations for a while and he was about to leave for lunch. he opens the door and turns around

"i didnt catch your name?"
"oh, mirae, cha mirae"
"nice to meet you mirae, im heeseung, lee heeseung." he smiled as he left. he came over to my class every break after that interaction, even when i solved me and jennas argument and it was all sorted out he still came over. we hung out after school from time to time and he asked me to be his girlfriend when he took me to the place we first met. it was decorated with rose petals and fairy lights and heeseung stood at the end of a path holding a bouquet of flowers.


and now here i am, in the same spot but this time without him..

"mirae!!!" someone breaks through the rooftop door screaming my name
"jake?" i ask
"are you okay?! i dealt with heeseung! mirae!!" he shakes me as i look at him blankly whilst my body lifelessly flails in his arms. i slowly open my mouth but before i could speak jake stops holding on to me and looks down, reflecting on his actions.

"i-i-im sorry.." he says gradually getting quieter.
"its okay you dont need to apologise" i say with a bitter smile on my face. then i think to myself why am i comforting and smiling at my enemy, whats going on? i drag jake to the spot i was sitting at and pat the spot next to me indicating to him that i want him to sit next to me. i look to the sky and so does he and i say:

"this is where me and heeseung first met and where he asked me to be his girlfriend.."
"oh.." he replies looking down this time to his lap.
"jenna was also the closest person to me. she was practically my sister. i told her everything but i dont think she told me everything about her now that this has happened.." i continue, "i know this isnt the right timing as i just pretty much lost all my friends. but can we be friends from now on?" i mentally slap myself for staying that without thinking. why are you asking him to be friend with you mirae whats wrong with you hes literally your enemy.
"id love to.."


a/n: authors note

this chapter is quite juicy but ill try make it juicier😝😘

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