• chapter6_

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"copy me when it gets to our bit" he yells over the loudness of the motorbike.
it gets to our bit and we scream "pinky ring till i get a wedding ring!!!" as i copy jake by waving our "pinky rings" in the air. jake looks back at me and smiles then continues driving..


•_next morning:

i walked in to class with jake once again. we had art first period today so i was very excited since i love creative subjects.

"okay class today we are making a 3D model of the school. this will be set as homework to complete" the teacher says as the whole class except me moan at the thought of homework
"calm down now. ive chosen the groups and no swapping!!" the teacher continues. she reads out the names for each group and:

"the last group will be lee heeseung, kang jenna, sim jake and cha mirae. please get into your groups and collect items from the front to start building your models!"

me and jake look at each other happily but then our smiles fade as we see heeseung and jenna coming to sit across from us.

we spent the lesson building the model and only conversed when we needed to.

"how about we finish this at mine after school? maybe without the awkwardness?" heeseung asks as the bells goes. we all nod our head yes and get ready for the next class.


•_after school:

i went with jake and we both followed heeseung and jenna in their car to heeseungs house. we got to his house and started talking with each other to cut off the awkwardness from the art lesson this morning.

"sooo you guys dating??" jenna asks. me and jake look at each other and look back at jenna, shaking our heads "no".
"then whats with the rings?" heeseung asks pointing at our matching rings.
"its a lyric from our favourite song.." jake says then i hesitatingly finish, "lets get started with the project??"

we do the project and talk at the same time. we laughed and we all got glue on our uniform. heeseung suggested we change before we ruined our uniforms. we followed heeseung to his room and jenna got some of her own clothes that she had in his closet, heeseung gave jake some of his clothes and then heeseung walked up to me and dragged me to his guest room. he opened the closet and i was staring at the contents of it..

i never took back the clothes that i would keep in his house after we broke up.. he still has them.. i think to myself as i continue staring at my clothes perfectly hung on random hangers that i had bought for him before.

"choose.." heeseung said as he walked out the room.
i indecisively picked out a cute top and flared jeans that i thought i had lost at home. i walked into the living room with all eyes on me. out of all the eyes i only unconsciously paid attention to jakes as he eyed me down smiling making me get nervous. i sat down and joined them, finishing the project..

"mirae can you please get the big scissors from my bedroom? they are in my drawer." heeseung asks
"sure!" i say as i stand up and make my way to his room. i check through his desk drawer but i couldnt find it there. i check through one of his bedside tables but it wasnt there either. i walk to the other bedside table on the opposite side and look through it. i finally find the scissors but underneath it i found a envelope:

couple photos (park)

was written on its face. without thinking i opened the envelope and took out what was inside.. our pictures.. i think to myself. i rummage through the photos that the photographer had picked beforehand to give to us and unknowingly became teary-eyed.

he went to collect the photos.. he kept the photos..
questions like these were running through my mind. i was confused on why he kept them and why he would collect them if he still had jenna on his mind. i shoved the photos back in the envelope before i started properly crying. i rubbed the envelope goodbye before quickly throwing the envelope back into the drawer and picking up the scissors as i heard the door open.
"found them??" jake asked as he poked his head through the door
"yep took me a while" i said with a reassuring smile on my face, trying to hide the fact that i was keeping a secret from him.
"lets get back to them then?"
"of course" i finished as i closed the door taking one last peek at the drawer which held the envelope of photos..


•_next morning:

we finished up the project last night and ended up spending the night there all together. we came to school all together and got a few shocked looks to see our old group back again which now had jake in it. we submitted the project and received 100% which i was very happy about because i was an expert in art.

we all went to the convenience store after school and celebrated getting 100% by going to a karaoke room. i didnt realise jake and heeseung were such good singers. obviously i knew that jenna and i couldnt sing at all so we left it to them to sing their hearts out. it was funny because when jake and heeseung were getting drunk they got really weird. i think there was a drunk group next door because they accidentally came into our room instead of theirs which was one room further:

"c'mon sunghoon join ussss!!!!" one of the boys yelled whilst walking into our room.
"guys wrong roommmm!!!!" one of the guys who i assumed name was sunghoon yelled.
"sunghoonnnn dont be a kill joyyyy!!!" another boy yelled.
"hey! jay, sunoo, jungwon, niki!!! lets go!" sunghoon yelled at the other boys as they drunkly trudged through the hallways.

we laughed it off and laughed even harder when heeseung and jake started asking them to join us. they came back into the room and sunghoon entered last smacking the palm of his hand onto his forehead. sunghoon eventually became in the mood to sing with the rest of the guys. i honestly couldn't resist his beautiful features and tall figure of his. jake noticed and ran up to me telling me to keep my eyes on him and no one else. they all sung "still monster" by a boy group. i think their name was enhypen?? but whatever it was really funny and we had to take heeseung and jake home and sunghoon took his friends with him as he was the only one who could drive as he was the only one sober.


jenna dropped jake home and i dropped heeseung home only because i live closer to heeseung and jenna lives closer to jake. heeseung was quite a heavy guy so it took me quite a while to get him to his bed. when i finally did i tucked him into bed and tried to leave but heeseung held onto my wrist.

"mirae.." he said
"yes?.." i replied
"i know you saw the photos yesterday.."


a/n (authors note):

told u it would get better 😉
anyways this chapter was a bit long bc i wanted to include the rest of the members and hopefully they come up in some of the next few chapters.
pls vote and continue reading 💗💗💗

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