• chapter3_

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"this is where me and heeseung first met and where he asked me to be his girlfriend.."
"oh.." he replies looking down this time to his lap.
"jenna was also the closest person to me. she was practically my sister. i told her everything but i dont think she told me everything about her now that this has happened.." i continue, "i know this isnt the right timing as i just pretty much lost all my friends. but can we be friends from now on?" i mentally slap myself for staying that without thinking. why are you asking him to be friend with you mirae whats wrong with you hes literally your enemy.
"id love to.."

jake says facing me. i face towards him too and make sure not to make eye contact before i start getting red out of embarrassment.

"lets get back to the classroom before class starts." jake says
"of course lets go." i say and smile at him. he smiles back giving me this feeling in my stomach that i had never felt before.


•_a few weeks later:

me and jake have been hanging out together more often now. we still have that bullying connection but somethings just different. weve gotten closer but hes my only friend as of now. after everything that happened all my other friends have taken heeseung and jennas side. after many nights of crying im finally mentally okay. even though ive made many memories with heeseung and jenna im sure i can make even better ones with even better friends who wont cheat on me. heeseu-


"hello?" i ask, answering the phone
"heyyyy babeee can you come overrrr???"
"heeseung?" i ask, recognising the voice over the phone.
"pleaseeee babeeee i misss youuuuu" heeseung says cutely

why the fuck is this guy calling me now. i was perfectly fine without him but now hes calling me again. i think in my head, rolling my eyes. i mean im all better now im sure its safe to meet him again?..

"coming.."i reply coldly


i try the same door passcode for heeseungs house


the day heeseung asked me out... it worked.. why hasnt he changed it yet its been almost a month??

"heeseung? heeseung?" i run into the house. i see heeseung passed out on his dining room table, surrounded by almost 10 bottles of drinks. i run up to him and start shaking him to wake up. he finally wakes up and says, "hey babeeeee"
"hey hee.." i say with tears in my eyes as i had never seen him like this before.
"make sure you dont tell mirae youre hereeeee!!" he says with a drunk-face. tears start rolling down my face as i realise he called me instead of jenna.. he thinks im jenna.. just play along..
"okay" i say, my voice quivering as a river of water rolls down my face, before i continued saying, "lets sleep now its late.."


•_a few days after:

heeseung told me everything that happened to him as he sobered up. how jenna wanted to take a break and he lost control and felt guilty for cheating on me. we started hanging out more like we used to and gradually i gained feelings for him again. this time i truly think he changed..

"jake calm down hes changed now and i know it dont worry!" i tell jake.
"so what if jenna comes crawling back to him and gives up on you? whats going to happen then mirae?!! get a grip!" jake replies screaming at me. i look down at the ground realising that he was right but i still wanted to give heeseung a chance.
"hes changed jake!!" i yell back at him
"whatever suit yourself.." jake says walking away.

why do i have to go through this. why cant he just support my decision? i think to myself. i call heeseung to tell him i feel upset:

"hee.." i say over the phone
"hey mirae whats wrong?" he replies.
"i really need a hug right now.."
"did something happen? ill come over now.." he says as he hangs up.

i wait for heeseung patiently and after a while:


"its heeseung! i tried your old password but i think you changed it!" he tells me through the intercom as i open the door for him.
"hey.." i greet. heeseung runs up to me and gives me a hug.
"i think you've probably already realised but i havent changed my password.." he pauses and then continues as i bury my head into his chest, "anyways, what happened? why you so upset?" i explain to him what happened with jake.
"i really believed you've changed but he wont accept it.." i finish my rant.
"its okay now you have me.. again" he says hugging me tighter.
"thank you heeseung" i say showing him a little smile.

we spend the rest of the day at my house doing fun things like watching movies. i dont know why but the whole time i was with heeseung i was waiting for jake to text me and apologise.


ive gotten so much closer to heeseung now. me and jake havent talked for weeks and heeseung has been with me the whole time. im very grateful for him since its like we are dating all over again. i really enjoy it and i miss this feeling. right now im with him and we are having a picnic by han river.

"mirae.." heeseungs says after awkward silence we just had.
"yes?" i reply
"thank you."
"for what?" i ask
"for sticking with my stubborn ass after what i did to you.." he says maintaining eye contact
"no problem! i believe now that you've changed and we can start over again.. it doesnt have to end with what we had before but thank you for coming back to me." i say smiling at him. i look back up to the sky and realise the sun was setting and it looked beautiful. i run up to the railing by the river and take photos.

after taking a few photos a pair of hands slither to hug my waist. i look behind me and smile at the tall figure hugging me. even though he is my ex i doubt he will leave me again. heeseung maintains eye contact again and stops as his eyes drift towards my lips. i blinked a couple times and felt his lips on mine.. gentle but passionate.. i missed this feeling.. all of it..

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