• chapter1_

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after a while of being on our phones i decide to see what jenna is doing. i peek at her phone and see a contact:


"jenna!!!" i shriek as she takes back her phone.
"mirae! stop!" jenna screams at me with a little mad tone in her voice. i look at her suspiciously and continue teasing her.
"awww jenna has a mannnn!!! whos the lucky guy?! huh?! huh?!" i say in a playful tone.
"piss off.." jenna says in a low tone and walks off


"heeseungahhhh!" i cutely say into my phone.
"what?.." he answers back
"want to walk to school together today?!" i ask.
"im coming with my friends ill just see you in class." heeseung says through the phone bluntly.
"oh ok!.."i reply back.

after a while i get to school and walk into class. one of heeseungs friends are at the door and runs when he sees me. i brush it passed me and continue walking into class. i see heeseung talking to his friends at his desk so i come and all his friends leave us alone.

"heyyy hee!" i say to him as i sit down on the seat in front that is turned to face him.
"heyy!" he says. as i take off my bag i see a ring on the desk. a ring to match heeseungs new ring that i see on his finger.
"whos this for?" i ask excitedly, thinking its for me.
"oh its just a friendship ring with my friends" he replies. i mouth ohhh as the teacher walks into the room and tells everyone to get into their seats.

i fell asleep during class since our teacher wasnt too strict. i was really tired because i was drawing and finishing an art piece for art class. it took me a while because im a perfectionist but i enjoyed doing it as i listened to my music. as i was sleeping i felt something hit my head. i immediately bounced my head up and look at my desk which has a ball of paper on top of it. i open the paper and read what it wrote

quit sleeping u little sh*t

i look behind me to see the even bigger sh*t, jake, smirking at me. hes so annoying oh my days. i hate him so much like forever, 24/7, 365, literally



its been a few weeks since that last interaction. me and jake didnt talk too much. he was making fun of me most of the time but i always got revenge. i mean its not like im complaining that we havent talked in a while. i havent gone out with heeseung for a while too. we have half term holidays soon so hopefully i can go on as many dates as i want with him for the whole week we are gone for. i was feeling a bit bored so i decided to call heeseung:

"hee!!" i say to my phone
"heyyy whats up?" he answers
"can we hang out now im really bored?"
"sure come to my house." heeseung says as he ends the call.

knock knock

"heyy mirae!" heeseung says
"hee!! i havent seen you in a while!" i say as i run up to him and hug him with a wide smile across my face.

we hung out for a while and watched a movie. afterwards me and heeseung started talking to each other and played around with one another.

"heeseung that tickles!!" i yell as heeseung tickles me. we continue laughing until heeseung gets a phone call. he leaves the room to answer it and comes back quickly without a smile on his face, just a straight face.
"ill be back" he says coldly. at this point i was starting to get suspicious because he had been quite distant for the past few weeks so i decided to follow him to where he was going. i walked out the door before it would close so he wouldnt hear the door opening if i went after him. he walked to a quiet area and i stayed back and hid behind a wall as i saw him standing with someone. they looked quite familiar but i couldnt see their face since their back was facing me. the figure started hugging heeseung and i slowly realised it was a girl. he hugged her back...

i speed walked back to his house before he could see me. as i almost ran to the house tears started falling and drizzling down my cheeks. i got into the house and fell to the ground and started bursting with tears. i walked to a nearby mirror and looked at my face and realised it had already gotten puffy because of how much i had cried. i washed my face with cold water and quickly dried it as i heard someone opening the door. i ran up to the door and saw heeseung smirking.

"you're back!!" i say.
"yeah.." he replies dryly
"want to read something? watch another movie? hang out more?" i ask him with a wide smile on my face trying to hide the pain and the thoughts of what i witnessed a couple of minutes ago. he walks straight past me and jumps onto his bed. i sit next to him admiring him and waiting for him to finally answer.
"you gonna answer orrr?" i ask impatiently
"can you go home now? im not in the mood anymore.." heeseung says
"oh.. did i do something wrong? we can do something you want to do this time?" i try changing his mind knowing im probably not the only one there.
"can you just go?!"


a/n: authors note

this chapter was boring but i promise it will get better 😘

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