• chapter8_

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jake told me the story and what i missed out on whilst being unconscious during my accident. he sort of looked down and said, "it was my fault for calling you whilst you were walking on the road im sorry."
"nonono its okay it wasnt your fault it was mine because i didnt check if it was okay to walk." i reassure him. i patted the space next to me indicating to jake that i want him to sit next to me. he did parkour around the wires that i was connected to making sure not to disconnect any. he pulled me into his embrace and told me how he stayed with me the whole time i was in the coma. he said that he would wait there till i would wake up even if it took weeks or even months which honestly made my heart race. he also told me how he snuck into my cupboard where all my belongings were so that my pinky ring would be kept safe.

i was quite unsure on my feelings to jake but the way my heart is racing for him tells me that he is definitely something to me..


_next morning:

jake slept next to me on a pull out bed. he woke up earlier than i did to get us breakfast. i smiled as he walked back into the room carrying a bag full of convenience store food. i tried eating with my left hand but since im right handed which i had a cast on, it was a bit sloppy and food ended up everywhere so he ended up feeding me.

jake stayed with me the whole time i was in the hospital and even stayed with me during the time i had a cast on. he would walk me around the hospital garden and took my phone because he said, "we dont want another accident to happen" which doesnt make sense because we were literally just walking around a garden but i still agreed because jakey is jakey.

•_next morning:

me and jake fell asleep in the same way we did the day before. we woke up in the morning and when the nurse came to do her hourly checks on me she called the doctor.

"since you've finished your tests early you will be able to be discharged earlier. we were expecting more patients but there wasnt many the past day so we were able to finish your tests quicker." the doctor explained
"thank you doctor" i say as jake copies me.

as the doctor leaves the room jake looks at me and starts smiling

"my little shit is back!!!" he says winking
"reunited with jakey!!" i say saluting with my right arm and remembering its in a cast so i widen my eyes in pain.
"you ok?!" jake asks urgently
"yeah.. i think" i say hesitantly as jake randomly starts inspecting my cast as if he had ever paid attention in biology. he looks up and we make eye contact. he sits up straight and maintains eye contact but eventually trails down to the bottom of my face.. he tucks my hair behind my ear and starts leaning in. i close my eyes and wait..

*door slides open*

we both separate as we see my nurse at the door with her eyes widened and mouth agape holding my belongings.
"your belongings miss!" she says eager to leave and leaves the room immediately.
"wanna resume that bit?" jake says awkwardly as i smile and he tucks my hair behind my ear again.

the door slides open again and the nurse pokes her head back in the room putting back in the same expression she had before when she saw the same scene that we tried restarting
"come to the desk when your ready and we'll discharge you!!!" she almost screams and runs down the corridor out of the room.

me and jake look at each other and i silently get up and get my belongings and run to the toilet as jake stares at me in silence.

oh my gosh i almost kissed jake then the nurse walked in then when she left we tried doing it again then the nurse walked back in then walked out and screamed down the corridor then we were in silence and i came here like the stupid pussy i am.

great. i thought looking at myself in my mirror freaking out.


we almost just kissed oh my gosh oh my gosh my heart was beating so fast but that nurse had to walk in at the wrong time. mannn i couldve kissed herrrrr. naurrrrr!!!


i was in the toilet for quite a while maybe an hour or so. the nurse had to come check up on me because no one was in the room at the time so jake had probably gone out to get food. i was just screaming and pulling my hair and calling myself a pussy the whole time.

after a while a hand poked out of the now slightly open door. a hand holding a bag

"take these.. i dont think you want to wear the clothes you wore before.."  jake says
"thank you.." i reply

i take the bag and look inside, inside of it was a green summer dress and a white cardigan. he really does know my style doesnt he.. i think to myself. i unfold the dress and spread it across the floor to see the full outfit: a short dress but short enough for me to handle and a short cardigan to match the white accents on the dress. i quickly get changed eager to see how it looks on me. i dont think jake took into consideration that i have a cast on and cant actually zip the back of my dress up so ill have to ask the nurse to help. i put on the cardigan, do my makeup and hair, forgetting my dress is unzipped.

"how do i look?" i ask jake as i step out of the toilet with a smile on my face. he looks back at me inspecting it with his eyebrows furrowed
"is something wrong?" i ask
"did i buy the wrong size? im sure i got the right one according to your old clothes.." he says
"feels a bit loose not gonna lie.."
"do you mind if i check if somethings wrong?" he asks
"no you can go ahead.." i sort of mumble but loud enough for him to hear. he turns me around and checks the back of my dress. he takes off the cardigan in order to inspect the looseness of the dress properly. i hear a sort of gasp coming from behind me
"jakey? whats wrong?" i ask
"you forgot to zi-" he tries to finish but i turn back around to face him with a shocked face. i try to zip it up by myself but groan in pain because of the cast.
he walks towards my back and zips up my dress and comes back in front of me. he grabs the cardigan is placed down and holds it above my available arm for me to put it on. he then puts the right shoulder of the cardigan on top of mine because of my cast. he looks at me in the eye whilst sitting on the hospital bed and pulls me close by holding my waist. he smiles and says:

"green really is your colour"
"thank you.." i say trying to hide from his eye contact so i wouldnt start blushing in front of him.
"you look beautiful..." he says pulling me into a hug still holding my waist and looking up at me.

•_a/n (authors note):

flopping but wtv 😝
jakey such a gentlemannnn. anyways stuff will get more juicy but this chapter was just a cute mirae + jakey moment 💗💗
i have sm homework to catch up on rn so wish me luck bc its exam week in 2 weekssss 😝😝

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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