• chapter4_

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after taking a few photos a pair of hands slither to hug my waist. i look behind me and smile at the tall figure hugging me. even though he is my ex i doubt he will leave me again. heeseung maintains eye contact again and stops as his eyes drift towards my lips. i blinked a couple times and felt his lips on mine.. gentle but passionate.. i missed this feeling.. all of it..


we stopped and i looked at heeseung and smiled. he smiled back and continued looking at the sunset with his hands still around my waist.

about 5 minutes later heeseung turned around and started talking to a stranger:

"excuse me.. im a professional photographer. ive been looking at you two for a while now and was wondering if i can take pictures for the both of you?"
"do you want to mirae?" heeseung invites me to the conversation.
"sure!" i reply excitedly as we never got to do this when we were dating.

the photographer told us what to do and took beautiful pictures of us. he told us to meet him same time tomorrow so that he could print and give us our photos. we offered to pay but he declined the offer. as he was leaving he said:

"hope your relationship does well! see you tomorrow!"

heeseung tries telling him that we werent dating but before he could the photographer had already left. i sort of felt upset because i remembered we werent in a relationship anymore but im happy we had that moment together earlier. it gives me butterflies in my stomach just feeling about it.


im at home now. heeseung had dropped me home and we held hands the whole way. i was texting him when we both had got home and he had to go somewhere and we texted again a couple hours later. he told me he had something exciting to tell me tomorrow before school.

•_next morning:

i woke up earlier than usual as i was excited for heeseung to tell me what he was going on and on about yesterday night.

i reached school early and heeseung texted me that he would be here soon. i slightly altered my uniform to make it look a lot prettier and put on some pretty makeup expecting something big to happen between us. maybe getting back together? i thought. i had already came to the fact that i had liked heeseung again and hoped he would feel the same.

i saw him and his cute and smiley face from afar. he saw me and waved to me however he called someone who hid behind a walk that he stood next to. a pretty, familiar girl appeared and smiled at heeseung. they started walking towards me and slowly held hands with one another.. i realised..


they skipped up to me, holding hands and smiled at me. i started at them and gave them a fake smile.

"we got back together!! thank you mirae!!" heeseung says with a wide smile on his face. i continue fake smiling and say, "congratulations! im happy for you" i was holding back tears so hard then.
"jenna saw us at the park yesterday and came back to me afterwards!! so thank you so much!!" heeseung said acting as if we didnt kiss yesterday.

he used me to get back together with her didnt he?

"no problem.." i say trying my hardest to hide my pain.
"we were going to get breakfast! care to join us?" jenna asks
"no its okay im not hungry.." i say and i turn around and start walking into the gates. i look behind and see jenna and heeseung walking away and having the time of their lives. i look forward again and break down into tears. i fall to the ground and cry rivers.

why did i believe he could change.. of course he was using me to get back with jenna.. i shouldve listened to jake..

as i started thinking about jake, jake walks past me and barely looks at me. after walking a few metres away from me he stops walking and turns toward me and runs.

"what happened mirae? what did heeseung do? ill kill him!!" he says
"dont dont!! please.." i say
"what did he do?!" jake says looking into my eyes but almost screaming
"he went back to jenna.." i say as my voice shakes from crying so much.
"where are they?!..." jakes asks, "where the fuck are they mirae?!" he yells.
"the cafe next to the scho-" i try to say but jake stops me by dragging me out of the gates and to the cafe they went to.

"heeseung what the fuck did you do to mirae?!" jake says as he walks up to heeseung and picks him up by his collar.
"i didnt do anything!!!" heeseung yells with a scared look on his face.
"well you obviously done something if mirae started bursting out with tears again!!!" jake yells madly. heeseung looks at me and says, "mirae you know we are just friends right?"
i look up and tears start falling down my cheeks.
"then why the fuck did you kiss me and act like i was your girlfriend? huh? answer me! im not leaving till you fucking tell me! im not going to live with this sadness again!!!" i yell, losing my patience..


•_that afternoon:

"are you feeling better now?" jake asked, walking up to me holding two banana milks
"yeah.." i paused and then continued hesitantly, "im sorry i didnt listen to you before"
"its okay now i just needed to accept that you would choose heeseung over me.." jake replied
"nonono!! ill choose you over anyone now!!" i say as jake laughs
"thank you my little shit" he said winking at me.
"always fatty" i say winking back
"hey!!!" he says before chasing me down, "how am i fat??!!"
"because you're holding two banana milks!!!" i yell happily. jake stops running and yells "ones for you!!"
i walk up to him casually then switch up by grabbing both of the banana milks and run off with them as jake chases after me..

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