Chapter 50 - Fairy Games and Rotten Love

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Chapter 50 – Fairy Games and Rotten Love

My words bordered on disrespect and contained an accusation for which the queen had surely executed others before. It felt like whispering going through the room and it was only when the many little beings around us fell silent that I even noticed them. Jace turned his head towards me in a controlled motion, a warning look in his twinkling golden eyes. As if he wanted me to blend into the shadows of the walls instead of widening the gap to the fairies. He was hoping for a good outcome in these negotiations, and part of me was annoyed that he seemed willing to get on his knees for it.

For several seconds, all I heard was the pounding of blood in my ears. I counted my breaths, returned the queen's meaningless stare, and waited for her reaction. For a moment I thought I saw anger flare behind her icy blue eyes, but it might as well have been just a shadow. Then, contrary to all my expectations, she burst out laughing.

"The directness and honesty of the Morgensterns. I enjoy that." The queen's lips curled into a smile that made it hard to get the air into my lungs. "Unlike most other Nephilim, you know that your false politeness bores me."

Although she completely ignored the substance of my statement, I failed to maintain my mask of indifference. Her words hit me like a slap in the face; so hard that I briefly wondered if she had actually hit me because my cheeks started to glow. The world around me began to flicker at the edges. "You know my family," I ground out, feeling my fingers begin to tremble slightly as the queen nodded, her smile widening.

"He was hoping they would send you," she revealed, and I felt sick. My right hand went up to Eosphoros's grasp and I didn't have to look at Jace to know that he was my reflection. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him approach me and stop a step short of my private space.

"What did you get yourself into?" It slipped from my lips and I was amazed at how even my voice sounded. My insides seemed to tear apart at the thought that the queen had spoken to my father.

"As queen, I have a duty to protect the interests of my people. I have to do what I think is the right thing to do. The Nephilim are untrustworthy, history proves that."

"So what?" Jace asked, the politeness gone. The outrage was unmistakable. The soldiers emerged from the shadows. "Then why are we here if you have already allied with the enemy? Are you even aware of Valentine's plans? Do you know that he needs the blood of one of your children? He intends to destroy the entire world!"

"Oh, I am well aware of his plans, Nephilim," replied the queen, cold and haughty. "But as I said: Your world is not ours."

"You have allied yourself with my father," I stated and scanned the room with my eyes. No sign of him or Jonathan anywhere, but that didn't mean anything. Every fiber of my body screamed that this was an ambush. "At what price?"

"You remind me of Valentine," she said instead, her smile softening. "You two are not afraid to ask the important questions. You speak your mind outright, as does he. Even the way you speak, your voice. You are like him."

A wave of heat slammed into my body, and I had a hard time not yelling the first thing that came to mind at her. You are like him. My hands clenched into fists as panic shot through my veins. I didn't want to be like Valentine. No. It would be a disaster. I turned my head, unable to bear the sight of the queen in front of me for a second longer, only to meet Jace's eyes knowingly watching me. He shook his head imperceptibly. You are not like him. She is only playing with you.

"That's nothing to be angry about," the queen continued, and the open satisfaction at my anger only made me angrier. "Your father is a visionary, no matter what you think of him. But to answer your question ..." She paused to make sure of every ounce of attention from us. "Your father was here, not long ago. He was smart enough not to just kill one of my children. Instead, we made a compromise. If he succeeds in obtaining the blood of the other Shadowworlder children, I will sacrifice one of my own. In return, he will forever close any gates connecting our worlds."

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