Chapter 49 - The Seelie Court

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Chapter 49 – The Seelie Court

The next morning, we found ourselves at the Gard early in the morning to start the planned journey to the Seelie Court. Though I'd lain awake half the night brooding over Adam's betrayal, I found it difficult to focus on the voices around me, making the final preparations for our departure.

Betrayal. I couldn't think of another word to describe the feeling in my chest. Blake had almost killed me, and Adam still felt it necessary to protect him from me. As if I was the bad guy. What good friend did that? The first rays of the sun had already risen over the horizon, but I had still been lying awake and still hadn't come up with a reason to justify Adam's action. I had wanted to find a justification for it. Because the alternative would be that Adam actually betrayed me. And I couldn't accept that.

The new day brought no helpful promptings. I had been brooding all night and had gotten no further than a headache and tiredness. Adam had still been unconscious when Jace and I had gotten back to Isabelle and him yesterday. They had followed me in silence as I had simply turned and disappeared off the rooftops. We had left Adam on the roof and despite the cold, I was fine with that. I was still having a hard time swallowing the anger at Adam's showing up yesterday, or ignoring the anger coursing through my veins that reminded me Blake was still out there in Alicante, probably laughing himself to death at me right now. Most of all, I ignored Adam himself, who was standing a few feet behind me, digging holes in my back with his stares.

When I'd seen him standing next to the Inquisitor earlier, I'd almost turned on my heels and left the Nephilim to deal with their damn problems. Should they go to the Seelie Court without me. But Isabelle had me staying with the simple sentence Since when does Clary Morgenstern run away from her opponents? even if it had taken every ounce of my willpower not to ram my sword against Adam's temple again. Jace had tried to talk to his grandmother, to no avail. Somehow, through his brilliant connections on the Clave, Adam had managed to be nominated for this mission. To the chagrin of each of us. So far Adam had kept his distance from me, which was probably only due to the murderous look in my eyes. But it was only a matter of time before he would ask for understanding and forgiveness again.

The murmuring around me trailed off and my eyes followed the attention that shifted to Magnus Bane, who was strolling into the empty Clave chamber. Alec walked at his side. Their faces could not have projected more different emotions. While Magnus winked at me and seemed quite pleased with himself, Alec's features exuded a grimness that seemed even darker than his usual expression. Alec wouldn't be accompanying us to the Seelie Court due to his new position at the negotiating table with the Shadowworlders, which I was a little relieved about. We still didn't really trust each other, even though the frost had settled down a bit.

Magnus bowed his head to the Inquisitor and Consul, and they slowly approached the center of the room where I had positioned myself. Their mouths were moving, and even though Jace had given me an audibility rune, among other runes, before we had left for the Gard, my ears were ringing. It was the storm of emotions that was dulling my senses. I was unconcentrated and tired, which could easily be my undoing in the fairy kingdom if I wasn't careful.

Someone nudged me and I snapped my head up. I didn't even realize I had lowered it to the ground in front of me. Isabelle stood on my right and grinned slightly. "I have my best daggers with me," she whispered to me, the words barely penetrating the pounding in my ears. "If he's getting on your nerves, I can just cut out his tongue."

It was only a joke, of course, but it still made me feel a little better. My fingers went to the hilt of Eosphoros, and my heartbeat slowed. Before I could even reply, the Inquisitor came within earshot, Jace at her side, and I bit back my comment. Malachi stood a little one side, watching Magnus with undisguised skepticism as he began the ritual that would open the portal to the Queen's court. Traveling to the nearest natural point of access to the Fair Folk would take too long, so the Seelie Queen had approved of the portal.

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