849 10 4

Title: football crush

Summary: meeting the Sidemen was fun but one caught your eye. Tobi Brown, staring at him seems more interesting than actually playing...

Word count: 2840!

Warnings: none.


Y/n pov:
(Simon 👇)

Simba 🐈

The boys want to meet
you and film a video.
You doing anything today?

No, I'm not doing
anything today.

Okay, we're going to play
football, want to join us?

Yeah sure, if the guys
don't mind.

I get up from my bed and walk towards my wardrobe, tossing something comfortable for football on my bed when my phone buzzes while I sigh.

Simba 🐈

The guys want you come with
PLUS they said that if you don't
come then they WILL personally
come and drag you out of your
house and it won't be pleasing. 😘

I'd rather come with then
let random people break into my
house and fucking kidnap
me, I'm good.

It wouldn't be kidnapping if
I have a key to your house. 🙃

But it would if I don't
allow you in my house. 😉

Pick you up at 12 a.m.

Wait did I leave my cleats
at your house?

I think so, yeah.

Can you bring it please?

Fine since I love you
sooooo much :D

Why are you the way
you are? 😐



I laugh and look at the time to see it is 11:18.

I've got 42 minutes left.

I toss my phone onto my bed before running into the bathroom, taking a quick shower.

Once I was done, I walk over to my bed before grabbing my clothes and dressing in them.

I pull my hair into a pony tail as I heard a knock on my door.

I frown in confusion and quickly throw on a hoodie as I walk up to my door, opening it I see Simon and Talia.

"There's about 36 minutes left, what are you doing here?" I say glaring at Simon as I smile at Talia.

"Someone's her favourite." Simon says rolling his eyes while smiling.

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