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Title: 'she wasn't you'

Summary: "she wasn't you."

Word count: 863!
Warnings: none

3rd person pov:

You and Chris had been best friends for a good decade.

Deep down you knew you had feelings for him.

You never thought he felt the same.

He some girlfriends and yet you could never get past the talking stage with anyone.

Chris hadn't been om a date in a few years and he had no interest in dating, so you thought.

Being the good best friend you are, a blind date set up by you was just the thing he needed.

With enough convincing he finally said yes just so you would stop harassing him.

Y/n pov:

Chris walks out his room as he got dressed into an outfit.

"How do I look?" He says slightly monotone.

"You look great Chris, now come on." I say smiling at him.

If only it was me on this date.

He groans as I walk out the front door with him trotting behind me.

We enter the car while Chris tightens his hoodie strings and sulks in his seat.

We arrive at the restaurant that he was meeting the girl I set him up with.

"Okay, call me when your finished and, uh, have fun." I say smiling as I pat his shoulder.

"Okay." He answers climbing out of the car walking towards the building.

I couldn't help but feel jealous.

Why did I even do this?

Why didn't I just ask him on a date?

My thoughts were flooding my mind.

I inhale before exhaling, turning the car on and drive off.

[Time skip]
3rd person pov:

Chris gives her a slight smile as she talks about her career.

Chris couldn't help but picture your face as hers.

This doesn't feel right.

"I'm having a great time." She says smiling as she slips her hand into Chris'.

Chris stares at her hand in his as all the thoughts of you flood his mind.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." Chris say removing his hand from hers as she frowns.

"I'm sorry. I have someone else in mind and... I'm not degrading you. You're pretty and kind, yes, but I have someone in mind." He says giving her a slight smile.

"I understand." She says smiling.

"Is it the girl, in the car, that dropped you off?" She asks as her smile became wider.

Chris chuckles, his cheeks becoming warm as he looks down to my lap.

"She's pretty, why didn't you tell her?" She asks as he looks up at her.

"Didn't have the courage." Chris says rubbing the nape of his neck.

[time skip]
Y/n pov:

"How was it, loverboy?" I ask as Chris gets into the car, his face not giving much if an answer.

"Alright... I think?" He questions staring ahead at the streets through the window.

"You think, what do you mean?" I ask.

"Well it was alright to me." Chris says, boredom on his face.

"She's pretty though an-" I says getting cut off by Chris' sigh.

"Yeah, whatever." He says sighing.

"Whatever? What do you mean 'whatever'? What?" I ask looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Forget it." He says seeming to be holding back something.

"Chris, you tell me everything." I say beyond confused as he stays silent.

So I left it there.

The rest of the car journey was just silence, not awkward nor comfortable either.

We finally pull up at our apartment as I get out the car.

Chris sighs and follows me into the aprtment.

We enter the elevator and stand in silence.

Why can't he tell me?

Did the date go wrong?

Did the date go right?

We stop at our floor as I exit the elevator and open our door before walking in.

Before I cpuld walk into my room, Chris wraps his arms around my waist and turns me around.

"She wasn't you." He spits out, looking into my eyes.

"What?" I say giving him a slight smile, slightly teasing him.

"She. wasn't. you." He whispers pulling me closer with every word.

"I've never been so glad to hear those words come out of your mouth." I say smiling as I wrap my arms around his neck.

He chuckles and tightens his grip around my waist as he looks at me with an adorable smile.

"I really like you, Y/n. I really do." Chris says smiling followed by a chuckle.

"I really like you too." I say smiling.

He leans in yet so carefully.

Breathing or not breathing and hearts beating between us, he's so close that I can't feel my legs anymore.

I can't feel my fingers or the cold or emptiness of this room because all I feel is him.

"God, you're beautiful." He whispers with a smile.

"Teasing isn't going to make it better, Chris." I whisper with a chuckle as I move my hands to cup his cheeks.

Chris chuckles and closes the gap brtween us as our lips collide with each other.

I feel him smile against my lips as he pulls me closer, if that's possible.

I never imagined that my best friend would become the love of my life.

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