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title: 'home'

Summary: surprising everyone in London. :)

Word count: 2602!
Warnings: none.


Y/n pov:

I watch the conveyer belt move around, waiting for my suitcases and bags.

I just moved to London, I smile at the thought.

I take out my phone and pull up JJ's contact.

I call him and wait for him to answer as I get my bags and suitcases from the conveyer belt.

"Hello?" I hear a groggily voice as I chuckle.

"I take it, I woke you up?" I ask dragging my suitcase to one of the food places.

"Mhm." He hums as I laugh.

"I'm here." I say as I check a menu in one of the food places.

"Where?" JJ asks with a sigh.

"London." I say stating the oblivious.

"I'm on my way!" He yells as I hear rumbling on the phone.

"You haven't told anyone, right?" I ask as I sit down.

"Uh... yeah, I- I haven't told a- anyone." He states unsurely as he changes the call to a video call

"Jide, I know you're lying." I say sighing.

"How do you know I'm lying?" He asks looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"You always repeat the question when someone asks you a question then you nervously stutter or stop talking." I say chuckling as he snorts.

"It's that oblivious." I say laughing.

"Who did you tell?" I ask tapping my foot on the ground.

"Tobi." JJ whispers as he looks at Tobi at the back.

"Hi Y/n!" Tobi shouts waving his hand with a smile.

"Hi Tobs!" I say with a smile.

"Anyway, I'll see you soon." JJ says smiling as he hangs up.

[time skip]

"Y/n!" I hear JJ say.

I turn around but immediately get pulled into a hug.

"Still the same childish person from 5 years ago." I say hugging him back with a smile.

"Oh shut up!" He whines.

"Let's go!" He says as he takes some of my bags.

We pack my bags in the car and enter the car as JJ drives off.

"How was Guernsey?" He asks with a smile.

"Good, my boss, however. She changed after the company started gaining a lot of money. She casually fired everyone and hired new people who weren't fit enough to do the job but I decided I had enough." I say shaking my head.

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