[Aj Shabeel]

731 6 0

Title: 'mornings'

Summary: just a morning with Aj before filming.

Word count: 711!

Warnings: none.


Y/n pov:

Aj and I have been roommates for awhile.

I will admit that Aj is attractive. 

 We've always been flirting basically since we met.

It was routine that I would wake up before Aj goes to the studio for filming.

It wasn't really on purpose rather I am just an early bird.

Today was like any other day.

"Morning Aj." I say walking into the kitchen still in my pajamas.

"Hey Y/n/n." He greets placing his empty coffee mug into the sink.

I walk towards the coffee pot and make myself one.

Aj was already dressed in his outfit ready to leave soon.

"Are you filming today?" He asks as he watches me pour my hot coffee.

"No, I decided just to take a break from filming for a while." I answer putting down the pot and turn around.

"Then I'll take a few days off to hang out with you." Aj says.

"You don't have to, Aj. Your fans need you." I say.

"I insist. Fans are important, yes, but you're more important to me. We haven't seen each other that much so whatever you say, I will stay with you." Aj says as he puts his hand in his chest as I laugh.

"Thank you, Aj." I say smiling.

"Who's coming to pick you up?" I ask leaning against the counter.

"George, he should be here in 10 minutes." Aj says smiling.

I see him leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest as I grab the milk.

I put my coffee cup on the counter, in front of Aj as I pour the milk in.

"Nice pajamas." He says grinning.

I look at him and shake my head.

"These are my favourites, thank you very much." I say smiling as he chuckles.

"Are you gonna be home for dinner?" I ask.

I always cook for him but I enjoy it.

Teaching him might be a slight problem as he has no clue what anything is.

"I'm not sure yet." Aj replies.

"Okay, just text me." I smile as I put the milk back.

I see Aj taking a sip from my coffee as he sighs in relief.

I chuckle as I walk towards him and lean on the counter.

"Drinking my coffee without my permission, Shabeel?" I ask chuckling.

"Your coffee tastes nice, Y/l/n." Aj says smiling as he takes another sip.

"Okay enough." I say laughing as I take my cup from him.

"But seriously how do you make your coffee taste so good?" He asks as he walks around the counter as he leans on the counter with me.

"Mhm, maybe I can teach you." I say smiling as I face him.

"Maybe you should." Aj whispers while smirking as I see his eyes flicker between my eyes and lips.

"Maybe I will." I whisper while smirking as MY eyes flicker between his eyes and lips.

I look down to his jumper to see fluff on it.

I brush and pick some of the fluff of the jumper.

I look up at him to see him looking at me with a smile.

"What?" I say chuckling.

"Nothing." He says smiling as we hear a honk outside.

"Aj, get your ass in the car!" We hear a muffled shout from George as we laugh.

"Well, I should get going. See you later." Aj says walking towards the door.

I notice he left his phone, laying on the couch.

I walk towards the couch and grab it.

"Wait Aj!" I say jogging towards the door.

"Yes, what's wrong?" He asks as he turns around.

I hide his phone behind my back as I smile.

"Have you forgotten anything?" I ask him smugly.

Aj walks over to me and plants a kiss on my cheek.

I feel my cheeks burn as I hold his phone up.

"I meant this, but thanks." I say grinning.

He laughs and takes his phone.

"What would I do without you? Bye Y/n." Aj says waving goodbye and closes the door.

I laugh as I bite my lip and walk back to the kitchen.

I see Aj jogging back into the kitchen as I furrow my eyebrows.

He holds my face with one hand and pecks my lips with a smile.

"I'll miss you." He says smiling as he pecks my lips again and jogs out.

I stand there shocked as I replay that moment in my head with a smile.

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