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Title: 'the one'

Summary: filming a video when Harry comes in and something unexpected happens...

Word count: 2043!
Warnings: none.


Y/n pov:

"Hey guys, It's Y/n and welcome or welcome back to my channel! So today I'm going to be answering your questions. I am most likely going to regret this but let's get into it!" I say chuckling.

3rd person:

Y/n Minter, Youtube's biggest stir up and the long-time girlfriend of Harry Lewis, aka Wroetoshaw and fellow sister of Miniminter, Simon Minter and sister-in-law of Talia Mar. :D

Y/n pov:

"First question is, @minterlover23 asks, 'Is Harry the romantic type?'." I say looking at the camera with a smile. (*PLEASE bare on me with the usernames :,)*)

"Harry is taking a shower right now, next door because he just finished rehearsal. All I can say is that he does the most cliché shit you'll ever see!" I say laughing while I replay our anniversary.

(4 years ago.)

"Y/n!" Harry whispers besides me as I mumble in my sleep, slowly fluttering my eyes to look at Harry.

"What, are you okay?" I ask sitting up as I put the lamp on at the side of his bed.

"Yeah, I just want to tell you something." He says smiling, pulling me closer by my waist as he smiles.

"Happy anniversary, my love." He says smiling as I chuckle.

"Happy anniversary to you too, love." I says smiling, leaning in and connect my lips to his while I cup his cheeks.

I pull away smiling as I peck his nose.

"I want to show you something." Harry says getting out of bed and pulling me along.

"Harry, it's 04:53." I say checking the alarm next to his bed.

"I know, that's the best part." He says smiling.

We walk out the room as we exit the apartment.

He pulls me towards the elevator as presses the top floor/roof button.

Harry pulls me to his chest, his hands wrapping around my waist as he lays his head on my shoulder while closing his eyes.

"Someone didn't want to wake up this time." I say laughing as he shushes me and buries his head into the crook of my neck.

The elevator dings as we stop at the roof top.

He holds my hand and drags me out to a wonderful sunrise.

All the pastel colours: orange, red, yellow mixed together, such a beautiful sight.

"It's beautiful." I whisper gazing upon the sunrise.

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