Them being submissive

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This is purely bc I love submissive men lol.
Enjoy xo


"We really need to get going, Theo!" you yell out as you're leaning against the outside wall of his dorm.
You two are going on a double date with Enzo and his girl to hogsmeade but it takes Theodore an awful long time to get ready. "I know!" Theo raises his voice from inside his dorm. "You only told me five times already!" he says, voice full of frustration as he finally walks out of his room. "Did you just raise your voice at me?" you ask, crossing your arms over your chest as you glare over at him. Theo's expression immediately softens, he walks closer to you and cups your face with his hands. "Sorry, Cara mia.. I just couldn't get my hair to fall in the way I like it and I got stressed because you told me we were going to be late." he explains, almost sounding nervous as he's afraid you will be mad at him. "Your hair looks great, now move it." you say, turning him around and smacking him on the ass which makes him chuckle.


You walk through the corridors and notice that your boyfriend is walking in the opposite way. However, you are still mad about an argument you two had earlier so you have been ignoring him for most of the day now. "Don't you dare walk away from me again." Draco says, taking you by your arm as he encounters you and drags you into an empty classroom with him. "What the fuck, Malfoy?" you snap, watching as he closes the door behind him and then leans against it. "Oh so you can still talk.. interesting, since you haven't talked to me all day!" he says, raising his voice slightly. "You know I'm mad at you, either apologize or don't waste my time." you say, crossing your arms over your chest. "You're relentless.." Draco sighs, glaring at you. "But fine, I'm sorry." he finally gives in. "Hmm.. not good enough, do it on your knees and I'll forgive you." you say, not able to help yourself from teasing him. "Fucking hell.." Draco murmurs, running a hand through his hair.
To your surprise, he doesn't argue with you about it but actually lets himself fall to his knees. "I'm sorry, okay.. please don't ignore me anymore." he says, looking up into your eyes as a grin forms on your lips. "Alright baby." you smile, this before leaning down and capturing his lips in a kiss.


"Can I ask you a question?" you ask, looking up at Enzo as you're both seated on the floor of your dorm in between books and sheets of paper. "Sure, is it about potions homework or the DADA one?" Enzo asks, locking eyes with you as he sticks the end of his pencil in between his teeth, laying all his focus on you. "Neither.. I was just thinking about what we talked about yesterday, about me taking charge in the bedroom..." you say, immediately making a blush creep onto his face. "Oh.. what about it?" he asks, the look in his eyes changing and turning into more of a lust filled one. "I don't only want to be on top.. would you let me blindfold you?" you ask, a little anxious as you have never talked to him about this before. "Oh hell yes.." Lorenzo says, almost too eager which you can see he realizes himself as his blush grows a shade darker. "Baby, I'd even let you tie me up.. you're so hot when you're dominant." he admits. "Good to know.." you say, smirking softly before you crawl over towards him and connect your lips with his.


"C'mon mate, just join us." Theo says as he looks at his best friend, this while the other guys are waiting behind him. They are all planning on heading to a ravenclaw party but you are not really feeling up to it as you are a little sick, therefore Mattheo offered to stay in with you but now his friends are bugging him to go. "I don't know.." Mattheo mumbles, looking in between his friends and girlfriend as you're waiting on him to make a decision. "No, that's fine.. if it takes you so long to choose, go and have fun with them baby." you say, but you can clearly hear in your voice that you're not happy with the fact he's actually thinking about changing his plans. You turn yourself around and head over to the dorms, swaying your hips as you feel his eyes burning on your back. "Sorry guys, boyfriend duties." Mattheo says before he quickly follows behind you. A slight smirk grows onto your face as you feel his hand slide onto your waist, holding your hip as you walk him towards your dorm.


You and your friends are in diagon alley, intending on buying some stuff you need for the new school year. The guys are immediately drawn to the shop that is selling the new nimbus 2000. After spending some time in that shop, you all head over towards the store that is selling cloaks, you really need a new one for winter. "Hold this." you say, shoving your purse in Blaise's hands as you need your hands free to put the cloak on your body. You look at yourself in the mirror, deciding if you like this black one or if you'd rather have the dark blue one but your thought process is interrupted by the guys laughing.
"Nice purse, Blaise." Draco snickers. You look back over at your boyfriend, Blaise, who has moved your purse over his shoulder as he's sweetly carrying it for you. "I'm not as insecure in my masculinity as you are, Malfoy. I hold on to my lady's stuff with pride." Blaise says, striking a pose after that which makes you giggle and the guys seem to find his diss to Draco rather amusing as well.

(not really that submissive but I can just picture him doing this and it makes me laugh so)


You and Tom had been in an argument for a while now, about the fact that he forgot date night. After some bickering, he laughed as you threatened him by ignoring him until he would apologize. It's been two whole days, but you have kept your promise to yourself and have been ignoring him. Tom might be stubborn but so is his girl.. As you are laying on your bed, reading a book, two knocks on the door make you look up from the pages. The door to your dorm opens and reveals Tom, he's holding on to what seems to be some chocolates and roses.
"Stop ignoring me, you're driving me crazy." Tom says after shutting the door. "That for me?" You tease as you stand up from your bed and walk over towards him. "Yes, accept this as my form of an apology." he says, offering you the flowers.
"Fine." You give in, grabbing the roses and giving them a smell. "Like it? I also got chocolates but I can buy you something else if that's not enough?" Tom asks, making a grin form on your lips. You got the one and only Tom Riddle wrapped around your finger.

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