Them realising they love you

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These are all so cute, I cannot.


You and Theo are sitting down on a bench in the courtyard, talking about how your day has been. All of the sudden, you feel a drop of rain fall down on your head. When you look up, you see how dark clouds are overtaking the sky and rain soon starts to fall. Students start running inside the castle and Theo stands up and takes hold of your hand."Quick.." Theo mumbles, intending on dragging you inside with him. "No wait." you say, letting go of his hand and looking back up. The rain is falling out of the sky in absolute buckets now and you are getting drenched. "Baby!" Theo calls out, looking at you like you're crazy. "What are you doing?" he asks. "I love the rain!" you answer him, twirling around before letting out a chuckle. When Theo sees you giggling and dancing around in the rain, he can't help himself from smiling brightly as his heart fills up with joy. It's at that moment he realizes that he doesn't just like you, he loves you.


"Stop bullying these poor first years, Malfoy!" you say as you follow him into the Slytherin common room. "Why would I?" he questions as he turns around and locks eyes with yours, walking backwards as you're still moving forwards. "It's too much fun." he says as a smirk tugs on his lips. You cross your arms over your chest and look up into his eyes, frowning. "I had to console one of them because they couldn't stop crying, it was so sad!" you say. Draco looks into your eyes and for the first time, he actually feels some sort of pity. Not for those first years but for you, he doesn't like it when you're upset. "C'mon.. I can't lose my reputation." Draco argues softly as he leans forwards so his face would be closer to yours. "Please, Dray." you beg, holding onto his bicep which you know makes him weak everytime. The boy thought he would be incapable of ever loving somebody. However, as he finds himself actually agreeing on doing this just because you asked him to, he realizes. You make him weak because you light up his dark heart. "Fine, I will give it a rest." Draco murmurs, rolling his eyes because it annoys him that you have this power over him. "Thank you, baby." you smile, pressing a soft kiss on his lips as a bright smile grows on your face. If it wasn't already clear to him, it is now. He is in love with you.


You are in your dorm with Lorenzo, he's trying to paint your nails but it's not going as easily as he thought it would go. "Shit!" he curses, getting more nail polish on your hands than on your nails. "I thought it would be easier, why am I so bad at this?" he says, pouting before looking over at you. A chuckle leaves your lips as you see him struggling. "Baby, you're doing just fine for your first time." you say, leaning forward and kissing him softly on the lips. As you pull back to look in his eyes, you can see that he has them still closed as he is savoring your kiss. "I'm sorry.." he says, making you shake your head. "No need, I actually really like this look." you say, sticking out your hands and looking at all the nail polish that is covering more skin than nail. "Maybe this will become a new trend." you tease, looking over at him and chuckling softly. Lorenzo's eyes move over your face and he can't help but look at you with pure adoration, it's like it clicks inside his brain all of the sudden, he loves you.


"Stop this." Tom says as he takes hold of a gift you made for him, it's a little book with pictures of the two of you and memories you had made since you two were dating. "What?" you frown. "Being this sweet to me, I don't deserve it." he says, making you shake your head but he cuts you off before you can even say anything. "I'm a monster.." he mumbles, looking down as a shameful look crosses his face. "You're not." I say, cupping his cheek with my hand to make him look back at me. "I am, the sooner you realize that the better." he says, making your heart break for him. "You're not a monster.." you say. "I am. Everybody says so, thinks so.. why don't you?" he asks, locking eyes with yours. "Because I see this other side of you.." you say as your thumb strokes his cheek softly. "You are just not used to people being kind to you, that doesn't mean you don't deserve it." you say, giving him a soft smile. The boy who has never known love, didn't think he would be able to feel love for anyone, yet his heart is full when he hears you speak to him. It's not easy to admit to himself but he can't deny it any longer, he loves you.


"Hello, my pretty girl." Blaise smiles as he walks inside your dorm and finds you seated on your bed in his quidditch jersey. "Hi!" you smile brightly, after turning your head and locking eyes with him. "Thought you were hanging out with the boys tonight?" you ask as Blaise closes the door behind him and walks over towards you. "Got bored of them, all they did was tease me with how they couldn't believe you are my girlfriend." Blaise locks his eyes with yours. "Again." he scoffs, shaking his head softly. "They're dickheads." you say, taking Blaise's hand and pulling him on the bed next to you. "Yeah.." he mumbles softly, looking down. "I can't blame them, you are too good to be true.. way out of my league." he chuckles sadly. "Hey!" you make him look back up into your eyes. "Please don't ever think that, you are the best thing to ever happen to me." you say, cupping his cheek which makes him smile softly. "I mean it, I haven't been happier than I am now that I'm with you." you tell him, looking into his eyes as a smile grows on your lips. Blaise's eyes move over your face, mirroring your smile. He has been crushing on you since third year but you two only got together now in sixth year. Blaise was too young to realize but he knows now, especially when you look at him like this that he loves you.


"Can you stop bothering me with this." Theo glares over at Mattheo who is pacing around his room. "I really need to know, mate. I can't keep going on like this." Mattheo says, glaring over at his best friend who's seated on his bed. "When you love someone you just know." Theo tells him, not able to explain it any better. They soon start bickering back and forth because Mattheo still can't figure it out and that's when you walk into Theo's dorm. The conversation falls completely silent, making you glance in between the two guys before resting your eyes on your boyfriend. "Are you cheating on me with him?" you ask, making the boy chuckle and shake his head. "Please, take him away from me. He's a pain in my ass." Theo tells you and it makes you laugh as you move over to Mattheo. "He really can be." you agree which makes Mattheo glare over at you. "Hey!" he pouts, looking into your eyes. "You are a pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass." you smile at him, moving closer so you get to wrap your arms around his waist. It's at this moment, when he looks into your eyes that he understands Theo's words. He knows, it's not just a thought inside his head but he is actually in love with you.

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