Friends with benefits - M.R.

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Some smut for you,
enjoy ;)


After dinner in the great hall, you and your friends are hanging out in the slytherin common room. Sitting on the couches, the boys are loudly discussing something but you can't even concentrate because you're too busy staring at Mattheo.

You and him have been friends with benefits for a while now. The decision to start sleeping together happened after a drunken one night stand, the sex was really good and so you two wanted to keep that going.

At first, things worked out really well because you could block out your emotions. It was all purely physical. But lately, you have found it hard not to start catching feelings for Mattheo. It's like your heart has suddenly turned on and it makes everything so difficult now.

"Hey," Mattheo nudges your knee which makes you wake out of your thoughts. You turn your head and lock eyes with him, a smile spreading across your lips. "Are you sneaking into my dorm tonight?" he asks, a sparkle of mischief moving through his eyes.

"Can you not make your sex dates in front of us?" Draco speaks up, making you snap your head over towards him.

Pansy rolls her eyes and flicks him on the back of his head. "You're just jealous, Malfoy." she says, making the other boys laugh. Draco doesn't find it that funny, he snaps back at Pansy and soon they start bickering in front of us all.

You follow the argument because it's so very amusing, forgetting all about Mattheo and the question he just asked you. Well.. that is until his hand slides onto your thigh, making you grow goosebumps on your skin before you look back over at him.

"Sneak into my dorm around ten p.m." he says, dark eyes gazing into yours. "I'll be waiting." Mattheo says, a smirk tugging on his lips.

Theodore and Mattheo make their way outside to go and have a smoke, you watch them leave as an anxious feeling fills up your chest. You haven't been intimate with Mattheo since you realized that you have feelings for him and so you have no idea how easy it will be to have sex with him now without wanting more.

It's nearly ten p.m. and after debating on it for a while, you decide to go and meet Mattheo like he asked you to. The urge to go and receive some of his affection is too big, it's like a drug that you are in desperate need of.

So just before heading out, you shaved, put on the red set of lingerie that you know is Mattheo's favorite and made sure to put on some perfume to make you smell as nice as possible. Even though you prepared yourself so thoroughly for what's about to happen, you are still an anxious mess.

After three knocks on his door, he opens up and meets you with that smirk of his that makes your heart beat faster. You step inside and hear him close the door behind you, anxiety filling up your body but it's also mixed with excitement.

"It's been way too long.." Mattheo mumbles as you feel his arms slip around your waist from behind, this before he lets his chin rest on your shoulder. "I've been craving your touch." you can feel his lips brushing against your neck and it's enough to make you weak in the knees.

When you turn around and wrap your arms around his neck, you gaze up into his eyes and truly realize just how much you actually feel for this guy. The thought of him only wanting you for your body hurts, you have to stop yourself from thinking about it too much or your heart might shatter.

"What's wrong?" Mattheo asks, bringing you back to the moment.

"Nothing.." you say, putting on a facade as a fake smile tugs on your lips.

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