Them being clingy

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Plss I love it when they're acting soft like this...

enjoy angels :)



You and Enzo are making your way through the corridors, onto your next class of the day. "So then, Mattheo got into a fight with the dude and-" Enzo stops mid sentence as you let go of his hand, making you turn your head so you could look into his eyes. "What's wrong?" you furrow your brows, stopping in your tracks. "Why did you let go of my hand?" Enzo asks, seeming awfully distraught about it. You chuckle at the look on his face, moving closer towards him. "Your hand gets sweaty after a while.. I just need to let my skin breathe for a second." you explain, looking up in his eyes as a smirk tugs on your lips. "Are you that needy for my touch?" you tease, making Enzo roll his eyes and start walking again. "I just like holding you.." he shrugs, avoiding eye contact because he hates it when you tease him like that. "You're a cutie." you smile, taking hold of his hand again and pressing a kiss on his cheek.



As you're laying onto Theodore's bed, you watch him putting on his hoodie and taking his pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his vest. After finding a lighter on his desk, he takes a look at you and furrows his brows. "Why are you not getting up?" His words make a confused expression grow onto your face. "Because I'm staying in bed.." you tell him the obvious. "I thought you were going with me?" Theo places his hands in the pockets of his hoodie as he keeps his eyes on you. "Uhm.. no, it's cold and I don't really feel like going out in the cold just to watch you smoke." you say which makes Theo pout and sit on the edge of the bed so he could be closer to you. "Please.. I want you to come with me." Theo whines, taking a hold of your hand. "You are a big boy, you can go outside alone. You'll be away from me for only ten minutes." you pat him on the hand making the boy let out a whiney moan. "That's too long, I don't want to be away from you for that long." he places his head on your lap and it makes you chuckle. "Fine, I'll go with you.." you whisper in his ear before pressing a kiss on his temple. It makes Theo let out an excited yell as he jumps up.



You've been studying all night as you have a very big defense against the dark arts test later on this week. As you are ready to start revising a new chapter, the door of your dorm opens up and Draco storms inside. A smile grows on your face but you're quick to drop it as you see Draco slamming the door shut, he clearly seems upset about something. "What's wrong?" you ask, furrowing your brows and standing up from the desk chair you were sitting on. "Don't you love me anymore?" Draco is quick to fire a question back, making you even more confused. "Why would you think that?" you take a hold of his arms and move closer to him. "I haven't seen or heard from you since lunch." he says, seeming genuinely upset. "You know I love you, Dray." you say, cupping his cheeks with your hands and making him look into your eyes. "I'm just busy studying for that test." he is quick to nod and lean in so he can press his lips on yours, you kiss him back and let him feel the love you have for him. "Now, want to cuddle and watch our show?" you ask against his lips, this before pulling back completely and looking into his eyes. "I'd like that." Draco smiles softly.



You get up from the cuddling position you were in with Blaise and hear him pout as you stand up from the bed. "Where are you going?" he asks, as you look him in the eyes. "To the toilet." you answer him before walking over towards the bathroom that is part of your dorm. As you walk inside and want to close the door behind you, it seems stuck. When you turn your head to watch what's holding it back, you see Blaise standing there which startles you a little. "What are you doing?" you furrow your brows. "I'm going with you." he answers you like it's no big deal, making you move further inside and then closing the door behind him. "Blaise.. you're not going to watch me pee." you chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest and giving him a look. "Otherwise I'll have to miss you.." the boy pouts, hoisting himself up on the counter and sitting down next to the sink. "Why can't I just sit here?" you roll your eyes at his words but can't help but smile as he is giving you a sweet look. "I want to have a bit of privacy.." Blaise scoffs at your words, shaking his head. "Girl, don't worry. I've seen everything inside and out, there isn't anything private about you anymore." he says which makes you gasp and nudge him on his arm before breaking out in laughter.



There's a small gathering going on in the slytherin common room, just between you and your friends. You are seated on Mattheo's lap, he has his arm loosely draped around your waist while he's talking to Theo on the couch next to him. Pansy asks you to come with her because she needs to refill her drink and talk to you about something in private. However, as you try to stand up from Mattheo's lap, he is quick to pull you back down. "Can you not?" you look into his eyes and watch as he furrows his brows. "Where are you trying to go?" he asks, making you turn some more in his lap so you could give him a better look. "I'm gonna go talk to Pansy, am I allowed?" you ask, voice filled with sarcasm as you don't like it whenever Mattheo tries to control your movements. "I'm sorry.. I just want you close to me." he pouts which makes you laugh, he's clearly a bit drunk and whenever he gets intoxicated he gets extremely clingy. "Baby.. I won't be gone for long." you chuckle, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Still.. I'd have to miss you." Mattheo pouts, holding a thight grip on your waist. "Oh please, this is actually gonna make me gag." Pansy rolls her eyes, standing up and taking your hand so she can drag you off Mattheo's lap. Laughter leaves your lips as you blow a pouting Mattheo a kiss and let Pansy drag you behind her.



It's late at night but you and Tom are still at the library, studying. You have a big test coming up and Tom is helping you with the learning material as he is one of the top students in this subject. A big yawn leaves your mouth and you realize you are getting too tired to learn anything anymore, therefore you decide to wrap it up for today. "What are you doing?" Tom asks as he watches you close your book. "I'm gonna head to bed, I'm exhausted." you answer him but the boy is quick to shake his head and re open your book for you again. "No, stay." he says shortly, eyes burning into yours. "I'm not a dog, Riddle." you tell him, closing your book once again. "Just a bit longer, I want to teach you one more chapter tonight." Tom says, almost sounding like he's pleading which makes you look into his eyes and smirk softly. "If you're that desperate for my company, you can just ask me to hang out with you some more." you say, teasing which makes Tom let out an annoyed sigh as he shakes his head. "Oh please.. I'm not that pathetic." he says, making you shrug and stand up while gathering your books in your arms. "To bad.. I'd let you sleep over, you know." you say, making the boy snap his head back towards you. "Fine.. I want to hang out with you some more." Tom admits, voice barely above a whisper as he is not proud of showing you some vulnerability. "Hide that smirk or else I'll curse you." he glares over at you before standing up and walking towards you. Tom doesn't give you another glance but he does take hold of your hand as you walk towards your dorm together which makes you smile.

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