One night stand

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You wake up in Theo's bed and it immediately makes you anxious, last night wasn't supposed to happen. You two were both drunk and things moved so fast, before you realized it you were already in his dorm. "Morning.." his deep voice makes you immediately snap your head to the side, you catch him looking at you with a lazy smirk on his lips. "Fuck's sake, Theo.." you mumble, sighing as you run a hand through your messy hair. "Don't tell me you have any regrets." Theodore teases you, making you glare into his eyes. "We were both drunk, so that means it didn't count." you tell him, your words not making sense which makes the guy chuckle. "I made you come three times last night.. I think that means it counts." he says, sounding so arrogant as he seems to stare straight into your soul. Your cheeks heat up and you get up out of his bed to hide the fact his words made you blush, you quickly put on your dress that Theo threw around the room last night and hurry over towards the door. "This will never happen again." you say, looking over at him one last time. "Sure, sweetheart." he scoffs. "Keep telling yourself that."


"I can't believe I'm doing this.." you sigh as he takes off your shirt. "Oh c'mon.. I'm not that bad." Draco smirks as he plants his hands above you against the wall, lowering his face so it could be closer to yours. "You are." you say as you look up into his eyes, his hot breath on your skin makes you shiver. "We're supposed to be enemies." you mumble, arching your back from the wall so your body would brush against his. "That's why we're only doing this once, you've never heard about a one night stand before?" Draco asks, sounding irritated before he lets a sigh roll over his lips. "I have, dickhead." you place a hand on his chest and push which makes him take some steps backwards. When you two reach the bed, you push him on it and crawl on top of him. "Promise me you'll never tell a soul about this." you say, leaning down so your face is only inches away from his. "As if I would.. I have a reputation to hold high, you know." Draco says which makes you roll your eyes at his words. It's only when you feel his hand slide up your leg that you snap out of the doubt you had and just give in to your needs, capturing his lips in a bruising kiss.


Waking up next to Lorenzo feels strange but it's a good kind of strange. You were supposed to leave his dorm last night but Enzo hugged you after you two had sex and you ended up falling asleep in his arms. As you turn around, you face him and watch how his eyes slowly flutter open. "Good morning.." you mumble, a smile spreading on his lips. "Morning." Enzo reaches forwards, moving a strand of hair out of your face and tugging it behind your ear. "This must be the nicest one night stand I've ever had." you chuckle softly as you look into his eyes. "Of course, what did you expect.. I'm a nice guy." Lorenzo says, making you shake your head softly as another chuckle leaves your mouth. "Hmm.. I'd expected you to be more innocent, but you showed me some of the most nasty moves last night." you tease, causing a soft blush to grow on Enzo's cheeks as he looks away from you for a second. "Look at you all being shy.. you weren't like that yesterday-" Enzo shuts you up by pressing his lips against yours and it causes you to smirk against his mouth. "Shut up." he chuckles before capturing your lips into another kiss and rolling back on top of you.


"This is so fucking stupid." you murmur as you stop yourself from crawling onto Mattheo's bed. "C'mon.. just give in to it." he says, smirking at you as he is laid back onto the mattress. "This was supposed to happen one time.. one time as in a one night stand." you freak out, running your hands through your hair as you place yourself onto the edge of his bed. Mattheo crawls over to you, pressing a kiss on your bare shoulder before tracing his lips along your skin and up to the crook of your neck. "So what?" he mumbles. "This is the third time already.. I promised my friends to never see you again." you sigh, running a hand through your hair. "Well.. your friends can't make you orgasm like I do." Mattheo states which makes you gasp and glare over at him. "It's the truth." he shrugs, causing you to roll your eyes before pressing him down onto the mattress and climbing on top of him. "Good girl." Mattheo smirks but it only causes you to press your hand over his mouth. "Shut the fuck up." you say before replacing your hand with your lips.


As you enter Blaise's dorm, you both are a little tipsy and it makes you nearly trip over some shoes that are laying on the ground. "You sure you wanna do this?" Blaise asks, closing his door before turning around and leaning against it. You two might have had a little to drink at the slytherin party in the common room but not that much that you are completely reckless. "I mean, why not." you shrug, locking eyes with him. "We're clearly both horny and we would do one another a favor, as friends." Blaise nods at your words, taking a few steps closer towards you. "There won't be any regrets?" he asks, head tilting a little and giving you a look that makes you weak in the knees. "Not on my part." you smirk which makes a smirk tug on his lips as well. "Great, not on my part either." Blaise says as you move closer and wrap your arms around his neck. He looks down into your eyes before leaning in and capturing your lips into a soft kiss. When he pulls back and looks at you, you see a sparkle of mischief move through his eyes. "Girl, I'm about to rock your world." Blaise says which causes you to laugh before shrieking as you feel him throw you over his shoulder.


Both you and Tom fall down onto the mattress, breathless and in shock of what just happened. Your cheeks are bright red, sweat has formed on your forehead and your hair is a mess. You just decided on having this one night stand as you both hadn't had sex in a while but it turned out to be more amazing than you thought it would be. Tom turns his head, locking eyes with you as he can't believe he has finally found someone who can handle him in bed, more than that.. someone who likes it as rough as he does. "That was.. uhm," he mutters. "So fucking good." you breathe out, making him nod at your words. "It's not supposed to be this good.." he says, running a hand through his sweaty hair. You sit up in bed and let a sigh roll over your lips before pulling up your knees and resting your head on them. "Fuck's sake, this means we'll do this again.. doesn't it?" you speak out as Tom runs a finger down your spine, causing goosebumps to grow on your skin. "Pretty sure.. yeah." he says, which makes you curse under your breath before letting yourself fall back down on the mattress.

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