Party - Theo Nott

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We've got a protective bf trope and smut in this chapter, I know you hoes are going to eat this up.

Enjoy ;)))


Loud music, a sea of sweaty teens and booze everywhere.

Earlier on today, the ravenclaws sent out an invitation for a party in their common room. You and the Slytherin boys barely ever say no to a party and so that's why you are here now, spending your Saturday night.

Theodore wraps his hands around your waist, moving closer to you and letting his hands roam down your ass. You look up into your boyfriend's eyes and bite down on your lip as his beauty never fails to amaze you.

"I'm going outside with the boys for a smoke." he says after moving his lips closer to your ear so you'd hear him over the music. Theo's words make you nod your head, pulling back so you'd be able to give him a kiss. He is quick to give your ass a smack before following his mates who are making their way to the balcony.

You and Pansy move over towards the table that is holding onto all the bottles of liquor, intending on making eachother a drink. You mix some drink for her in a red solo cup and hand it to her, as she takes a sip to have a taste her face scrunches up. "What's wrong with you?!" she murmurs. "That's way too much liquor." she says between coughs as you try to hold back your laughter but fail.

After you both finish your drinks, you two decide to make your way back to the dance floor. The music is blasting through the stereo, making you want to move your body. Pansy is quick to join you in your dancing, grinding her hips against yours as you both sway along to the music.

It only takes a second of you turning around and making some moves for a random gryffindor to walk up to Pansy. The guy places his hands on her hips, causing her to quickly slip out of his grip as a disgusted look crosses her face. She tells him off, clearly not interested in him but he doesn't seem to get the hint. When he places his hands back on Pansy, you get a look from her that she needs your help.

"Hey!" you move forward and give the gryffindor a push on his chest. "Keep your hands to yourself!" you can't help from raising your voice at him.

"Oh shut up." the guy gives you a nasty glare, this before he takes a hold of Pansy once again. It's so clear that she is very uncomfortable and even a little afraid as she tries to get herself out of his grip. However, the boy is holding on too tight, making it impossible for Pansy to escape.

The sight in front of you pisses you off, if it's one thing you can't stand it's guys who think they're allowed to touch girls even after they tell them off. You intervene once again, this time giving him a much stronger push which makes him stagger backwards. "I said.. keep your hands to your fucking self!" you repeat yourself which makes the guy scoff.

"What are you going to do about it?" The gryffindor tests you, laughing in your face as he clearly thinks he is the more powerful one in this situation.
An annoyed sigh rolls over your lips before you take a step forward and punch him in the face, right on his nose. A painful groan leaves his lips and you can't help but wince as you pull your hand back, the impact of the punch hurting your fist.

"You fucking bitch!" the guy snaps, blood dripping down his nose. He is quick to walk back up to you and get close, buffing up his chest in an attempt to intimidate you. You try to keep put but can't help yourself from moving backwards as the gryffindor tries to trap you into a corner.

"You are there to protect your little friend, but who is here to protect you?" he asks, a nasty grin growing on his lips.

"That would be me." as soon as you hear his deep voice, a feeling of relief and confidence washes over your body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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