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AN: I changed y/n to Josie in all the previous chapters and now. Sorry for any confusion!


After hours of waiting, I look up to see a doctor requesting me.

"That's me"
"Matthew has requested to see you"
I nod and make my way to his room.

When I arrive to his room his eyes are closed. His face and arms have cuts and bruises all over. I sit down in the chair next to his bed and grab his hand. He jumps a little bit and opens his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that Matthew"
He smiles weakly, "it's ok"
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"My head kills... I guess I lost a lot of blood?"
"Yeah.. When I found you, you were laying in a puddle"
His eyes grow wide, "you were the one who found me?!"
I nod.
"I'm sorry you had to see that..."
"Don't be sorry, Matthew! I was so scared.. I thought I was going to lose you..."
"Well don't worry, I'm here," he says as he brings my hand close to him and kisses it.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?" I look to Matthew but he's looking past me out the door. I turn around to see Sammy standing in the doorway. I look back to Matthew and he snaps out of it.
"Oh, sorry.. I don't really know what happened I guess.. Maybe I'll remember when I get better" he says and he fakes a smile. I don't know what's going on.

"Is Taylor here?" Matthew asks.
"Yeah, I'll go get him."

I kiss him and then head out to the lobby to get Taylor.

When I return back to the room, Matthew is talking to Sammy which extremely odd.

I awkwardly walk back in, "uh, hey, I'm back..."
Sammy backs away and starts to walk out, "I'll be in the lobby."
"Well that was weird.." Taylor mumbles.

Taylor and I sit down on either side of Matthew.

"How ya doin bro?" Taylor asks.
"Headache, lot of pain.. Of course"
"Sorry I wasn't here sooner, I had no idea," Taylor remarks as he gives me a rude look.
Matthew chuckles a little, "no worries, I wasn't allowed visitors until 10 minutes ago, I appreciate the support though."

There's a knock on the door. We all turn to see a nurse walk in.

"Hi, I have to run some tests on Matthew so can you guys come back in a little bit?"
"Of course" I reply. I turn back to Matthew, "I'll see you later"
Matthew smile, "ok."
I give him a kiss and Taylor gives him a hug before we leave.

"Want to go grab a bite to eat?" I ask Taylor. He nods and we start to head toward the cafeteria.

"Can you tell me what your problem is with me?"
Taylor starts to laugh, "you seriously don't know? Really?"
"Fine, if you really must know, I'll tell you."

AN: What's going on with weird Sammy? And what is Taylor going to say? Could it cause other problems?

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