chapter 41

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Hope pov

Josie had her arms around me as I'm on her lap. We are eating at the lunch table with Lizzie and Jed.

"Can you guys not be so touchy I'm trying to eat" Lizzie said rolling her eyes as me and Josie do the same.

"Shut up Liz, eat with your eyes closed then" Josie said as me and Jed chuckled.

I lean back into her as I lay my head on her shoulder just melting into her touch "gross" I heard Lizzie whisper but I ignore her.

"You're just a heater" Jed said "and I think they are cute" Jed kept saying until Lizzie slapped his arm rolling her eyes.

I turned my head slightly as I kissed her cheek and we laughed. I look back at Lizzie and Jed and Lizzie throw a baby carrot at us as Josie throws one back at her.

They kept going until Lizzie threw one making the milk fall on my lap Josie and I quickly moved away as my pants got wet.

I got off her lap "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back" I said to Josie as she nodded cleaning up the milk "k just be back soon" she said and I nodded.

"Clingy" Lizzie said as Josie threw splashes of milk at her I rolled my eyes as I quickly went to the bathroom as I got in I quickly did a spell and my pants got dry.

I turn to open the bathroom door "oh it's you" someone said I turn my head to see Maya.

Maya and I haven't been talking which she's been ignoring me. I tried to talk to her but she didn't want to so I left it alone and thought she got tired of me.

"Yes and?" I said as I raised an eyebrow she rolled her eyes as she started to wash her hands.

"So you and Josie are still talking?" She asked and I looked at her slightly confused.

"Well she's my girlfriend of course I'm still talking to her" I said and she stopped moving for a minute until she went back to washing her hands.

"Wow, I didn't think it would last," she whispered and I felt annoyed by that. "What's that supposed to mean?" I said.

"Everything" Maya said with anger in her voice as she turned to me, turning off the water, her eyes filled with anger and a bit of sadness.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as she shook her head as she went to the paper towels dispenser. I roll my eyes feeling more annoyed.

"So what are you going to ignore me for something I don't know about" I said Maya turns to me "you got with Josie when I told you how she is no good" she said and I laughed.

"Is that all" I said and I can see how more mad Maya got "shut up and don't cry when Josie is done with you" she said and I shook my head "no she won't do that now shut the fuck up Maya"

"It's true I'm still surprised she said yes to you" she said and I laughed again "you really think I asked her" she looked confused so I continued "she asked me" I said.

"Oh please Josie will never ask someone that" she said "oh really then how come she asked me on Christmas got me my presents and smiling so much huh" I said and saw she got so much more mad.

"Shut up I was going after Josie until you came long and fucking stole her away from me!" She yelled.

I got confused. "Wait, you like her?" I asked "yes!" She yelled again.

"But again she fucking picked you she's a fucking bitch for that" she said and I snap "don't call Josie a bitch and just because she didn't like you doesn't mean you have to be a bitch" I said.

"I would be with her if it wasn't for you" she said and I laughed.

"Alright then how come you and her wasn't already together" I said and she didn't say anything so I continued "how come I'm the one with her and not you oh right because she doesn't fucking like you she will never ever like you" I said as I step closer as I see tears in her eyes.

"I'm the one in bed with her hugging her kissing her fucking her not you ME she is MY girlfriend and she will always be mine" I said as I take deep breath then I felt a sharp slap on my cheek.

"Fuck you Hope I hope she breaks up with your ass" she said as she open the door "keep dreaming then" I said as she walked out.

I took a few minutes to myself as I went out and went to the cafeteria. I went to Josie's table and I wrapped my arms around her.

"What happened, you took too long" she said as she pulled me down next to her "nothing babe just day dreamed" I said she still looked at me and every inch of my face before nodding.

I saw Maya at the end of the cafeteria and saw her looking at us with so much hate. I'm still mad at what happened and decided to be petty.

I grab Josie's face as I kiss her deeply. She kissed back immediately as I felt her smile. Through the kiss I turned my head slightly as I opened an eye to see Maya walking out.

I pull away from Josie "what's that for?" She asked and I shrug as I wrapped my around her neck "no reason just missed your lips" I said as I gave her a quick kiss.

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