Chapter 4

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Hot shot was waking up in the hospital while receiving treatment for cancer. Hot shot woke up this morning during his the start of his third week in the hospital. He was resting from chemotherapy for the week and was going to get more chemotherapy on Monday which was the next day.

When he woke up Hot shot saw some of his hair on his pillow. There was quite a bit. "My hair is starting to fall out," Hot shot said. He knew it was going to happen but he didn't expect to see that much when it started to happen though.

"Well that is to be expected," Quickshadow said. It was Quickshadow's turn to stay with Hot shot in the hospital. "Your hair is starting to fall out quite a bit," she said.

Hot shot's hair was falling out all over. Hot shot noticed a lot of his hair was falling out as he was brushing it. It was also falling out as he leaned back. It was practically falling out in clumps.

It was still falling out when he went to bed that night. When Hot shot woke up the next morning Hot shot saw a lot of hair on his pillow again. He went to the bathroom and then looked in the mirror when he was finished. His hair was gone even his eyebrows and eyelashes were gone.

"My hair is gone," Hot shot said.

"I can see that," Quickshadow said. "Luckily the beanies we ordered for you online and the ones your grandmum and granny made you have come in," she said. She showed Hot shot all the different beanies.

There were ones in every color, ones with stripes, ones with polka dots, ones with zigzags, ones with splotches, ones with patterns of items, ones with animals on them, ones with vehicles on them, and ones based on characters too. There were so many of them. Hot shot started to look through them to think about which one he would like to wear first. Hot shot chose one that was solid yellow that was knit by his grandmum.

Hot shot put it on. It was nice and soft and fuzzy. Hot shot liked it a lot. It made him very happy to have it. "I love it, it is nice and soft," Hot shot said. "It feels good on the skin of my head," he said.

"I am know your grandmum will be glad that you like it," Quickshadow said.

Dr. Burnizi came to check on Hot shot. "I lost all my hair today," Hot shot said.

"Wow, I knew you started to lose your hair yesterday, but it looks like all of it fell out pretty fast," Dr. Burnizi said. "I like your hat," she said.

"My grandmum in England made it," Hot shot said. "it is just one of many," he said.

"I can see that," Dr. Burnizi said seeing all the hats laid out.

Hot shot got more chemotherapy today. Hot shot did what he liked while getting his chemotherapy. Hot shot was having a fine time while getting his chemotherapy.

Hot shot had more chemotherapy throughout the week. He also had many check ups, and tests done too. Hot shot also had other things done as well.

Hot shot got blood transfusions to give him more blood. He needed it because the chemotherapy was destroying his blood cells and he needed more healthy ones to replace the ones that had been killed. Hot shot was able to relax during the blood transfusions. Hot shot felt so much better once it was over. He had a lot more energy after it was over too.

Today Hot shot was being take to get an MRI. Hot shot had Roxy the rhino and was staying still during the MRI. Hot shot was hoping this scan was going to go well. "You are doing well Hot shot," the tech told him.

"Thanks," Hot shot said.

Soon after thirty minutes the MRI was all over. "Okay Hot shot you are all done now," the tech said.

Hot shot was happy that the MRI was done. Now Hot shot had other things to do too. Dr. Burnizi was giving him a check up. "Okay you are looking good so far," Dr. Burnizi said. "Your first month of treatment is going quite well," she said. "But we still want to keep you here until the weather gets warm, because things going around don't go around so easily when the weather is warm," she said.

"Aw man," Hot shot said. "I really want to go home," he said.

"I know you do," Dr. Burnizi said. "But we can't risk you catching something out there, when you are on cancer treatment you can catch germs really easily," she told him.

"How did I get cancer in the first place?" Hot shot asked.

"Well for one thing it isn't your fault or anyone's fault you have cancer, nor did you catch it from someone and no one can catch it from you," Dr. Burnizi said. "it is something that just happens I am afraid and their is no good answer for it either," she told him.

"Oh," Hot shot said.

"But try not to worry to much about it," Dr. Burnizi said. "Because all of us at the hospital are going to try to make you better," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "I am going to brave through it all," he said.

"That's the spirit," Dr. Burnizi said. "Just try to be strong and brave through it," she said. "There will be moments where it won't be so easy," she told him. "But you will get through it," she assured him.

"Thanks Dr. Burnizi," Hot shot said.

"No problem Hot shot," Dr. Burnizi said.

Hot shot soon was approached by Tina. "Hot shot qualifies for a wish through make a wish," Tina said. "I referred him for a wish and he got approved for it," she said.

"Hello Hot shot I am Laura I am here from the make a wish foundation to find out what you would like to wish for," Laura said.

"What can I wish for?" Hot shot asked.

"You get one wish and you can wish for to go some place you always wanted to, or wish to meet someone you always wanted to meet, or be something you always wanted to be, or have something you always wanted to have, or to give back to some cause," Laura said.

Hot shot knew what he wanted because he had been asking for one ever since he was three years old. "I wish for Dalmatian puppy," Hot shot said.

"I figured that is what he was going to wish for, he has been asking for one since he was three years old," Heatwave said.

"He sure has, Hot shot loves dalmatians," Quickshadow said.

"Well I see nothing wrong with Hot shot getting a puppy for his wish," Dr. Burnizi said. "But I would prefer he got that wish after he recovers some from his amputation," she said. "At least two months after the amputation," she said. "Because I know the puppy would be a good influence on him and help keep him positive during the rest of his treatment." she said.

"Okay we will try our best to make it happen," Laura said.

"Hooray!" Hot shot said.

"You made our son very happy," Heatwave said.

"I know the puppy would be something you, me and mummy can enjoy." Hot shot said.

"Yes I think so too," Heatwave said. "In fact your wish for a puppy was convenient because your mother and I had been talking about getting puppy and joining you in about talking about it," he said.

"Oh boy," Hot shot said.

"This way we can be prepared for it," Heatwave said.

"I hope my puppy wish come true," Hot shot said.

February came around and Hot shot was still in the hospital. Hot shot was happy to have wish and now he was waiting for it. It was giving him hope while waiting for the wish. Hot shot found out his friends also made wishes too.

He heard about their wishes.

Hoist wished to have dinosaur themed bedroom.

Medix wished to be doctor.

Whirl wished to go Italy.

Wedge wished to meet his favorite famous star Bumblebee.

They were all looking forward to their wishes coming true.

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