Chapter 5

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Hot shot has been in the hospital since early January and now it was March. Hot shot was doing well during treatment. Today was a big day for his treatment. Dr. Elliot seeing the scans saw the cancer that was starting to spread had responded perfectly. But the sarcoma although it was shrinking it was shrinking quickly enough for his and Dr. Burnizi's liking. So they decided to move to amputation right now to keep the cancer from spreading more if already has.

Hot shot was awake early that morning. Hot shot didn't have any breakfast he wasn't allowed to eat before his surgery. The nurses checked everything and he was ready for it.

Hot shot changed into a hospital gown. Now he was ready for his surgery. Hot shot got to chose the smell of the medicine air for his surgery. Hot shot chose cupcake, it smelled delicious. Hot shot soon fell asleep on the OR table.

The doctors when right to work at removing Hot shot leg below the ankle. "Okay we are cutting through right now," Dr. Elliot said. "So far so good," he said. Then he cut the lower leg part way up the shin about half way up that is. Then he check for any tumor and saw none, made cleans margins. Then he sutured the vessels, muscles and skin made sure it was neat. "There all done." he said. Then he put a cast on Hot shot amputation site.

Hot shot was taken to a recovery room to wake up in. When Hot shot woke up he wasn't too sure what has happened. He didn't really even know where he was at first. "Ugh," Hot shot said.

"Hot shot your amputation was a success," Dr. Elliot said.

"It went well," Dr. Burnizi said. "It will be a while before the site is healed so try to get some rest," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot soon saw the stump that remained of his lower leg. Hot shot was glad the sarcoma was gone. It was kind of sad to lose his foot part of his lower leg at first. But he was happy that it was gone because it was making him sick.

Hot shot was getting around with a wheelchair for the first couple of weeks. But soon he was learning how to use crutches to get around. Hot shot was learning fast too.

By the time it was April Hot shot was told he could go home for a while. Hot shot was so happy to be going home. "I am looking forward to going home," Hot shot said.

"I know you are," Quickshadow said.

"Hot shot you are still going to have come back for outpatient visits to keep getting treatments and tests done," Dr. Burnizi said. "you will also have come and see me to be checked too," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was so happy to be back in his own room after all that time. Hot shot was resting from chemo because of his surgery. But next week he was going to go back for an outpatient chemotherapy infusion at the infusion center.

Hot shot was looking forward to seeing his friends again at the hospital again.

Hot shot was soon going back and forth from outpatient visits from the hospital. Many of these visits were for treatments, tests and check ups.

Hot shot at the end of June came down with a fever. He had to be taken to the hospital to stay their for a while. Hot shot wasn't too happy about that.

Hot shot was in a room in the oncology unit. "We want to keep you here for a while to keep an eye on you again," Dr. Burnizi said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was staying there and he got to see many of the people in the hospital again. Hot shot saw his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge were there too. Hot shot was happy to see them too.

Hot shot was also going to be fitted for his prosthetic. Hot shot was so happy about this. The fitting was going well. Hot shot was happy about this. He was looking forward to getting his prosthetic so he could walk, run, jump, climb and play again.

Then a couple of weeks after leaving the hospital, Hot shot had to go back to try on his prosthetic socket. Hot shot tried it on. It was a perfect fit too. Hot shot was so looking forward to it being made. Hot shot wanted the leg to have Pikachu on it. One of the things Hot shot loved as much as being active and sports is Pokemon.

Hot shot was soon going to the hospital to try on his finished prosthetic leg. Hot shot was so excited. "I am so excited." Hot shot said.

Hot shot went into the prosthetic clinic and tried it on. It was a perfect fit. He started to practice walking with it. Since it was a below the knee amputation he was learning fast. Over the next few weeks of physical therapy along with treatment Hot shot was doing well.

Hot shot was soon walking around with his new prosthetic no problem. "I can walk with this leg it is so much fun." Hot shot said.

Soon in August shortly after starting school with his friends who are in the same school and class as him. He got a surprise. Hot shot got a running blade. Hot shot was happy and looking forward to learning how to use it. He got the blade from his uncle. Hot shot's friends also got running blades from his uncle too. His uncle even started a charity to get amputees running blades throughout their lives.

Hot shot was doing really well during his treatment. In November he was about to get some good news. "Hot shot's cancer is in complete remission," Dr. Burnizi said. "Hot shot beat cancer," she said.

"I did it!" Hot shot said.

"Yes you did, but you will need treatment for a few more weeks to play it safe," Dr. Burnizi said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot got his last chemo on December 8th. Hot shot came up to the bell. Then he rang it loud. He was so proud of himself.

"Hot shot you are still going to need to see me a bunch of times over the next five years to make sure the cancer is staying away," Dr. Burnizi said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Then in February Hot shot got his wish. It was a little Dalmatian puppy. "He's so cute," Hot shot said. Hot shot named the puppy Fireplug. Hot shot was so happy to have his new friend. It was a very happy moment.

Now Hot shot had a furry friend. Hot shot Fireplug became very close indeed.

Time passed and Hot shot was doing well over the next five years. The cancer never came back. Hot shot was soon doing sports and doing well. He was able to do great with his skills he was very proud of himself too.

Hot shot was growing into a fine man. He was becoming big and strong. He soon grew into man and was now playing for one of his favorite baseball teams. The Texas Rangers, Hot shot was their best pitcher and batter.

Today Hot shot was going to do something amazing. The game was almost over. There were two other players on his team on the bases for them while he was at bat. Hot shot was ready to hit the ball. Then the ball was thrown towards him. Hot shot swung the bat and it hit the ball. The ball went flying high and out of the park. It was a home run. Hot shot and the other players ran around the bases and won the game.

It was a great game. Hot shot saw a kid with amputated leg come up. "Hello," Hot shot said.

"That was amazing," the kid said. "I wish I could do that, but many kids at school say I can't because of me missing a leg," he said.

"Nonsense," Hot shot said. "You can do anything you set your mind to whether or not you are an amputee or not," he said. "You are the one who can decide what you are able to do," he said. "So don't listen to those kids," he said.

"Thank you," the kid said.

Hot shot was great player and proud of himself. Hot shot remembered his journey as a cancer patient at Cook children's and often visited the kids there. Hot shot was proud of how far he came. He will never forget his cancer battle ever.

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