"Call me Daddy."

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"Did you hear about the new teacher, Mr. Styles?" My best friend, Lexi asked me.
"No, who is he?" I asked.
"Well, you know how Mr. Frankston's wife had a baby, right?" I nodded. "Well, he's decided to retire, so now we have Mr. Styles."
"Is he nice? Have you met him?"
"I haven't met him, so I don't know. Hopefully."
"Mr. Frankston was my biology teacher, and he was really good. Do you think Mr. Styles will be the same?"
"Probably not."
We laughed and we walked to our classes.
The day sped by, up until I came to biology. That class, my friend, went VERY slow.
I walked into the classroom and saw Mr. Styles writing something on the board.
He noticed me staring, and smirked, cocking his eyebrow at me.
"Eat a cock." I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that?" He asked, making it obvious he heard me.
"You shouldn't lie."
"And you shouldn't be an ass. We're even." I mumbled again and I walked away. I felt his large arm grab my arm.
"Some teachers would send you to the principles office right away, but I'm a reasonable guy, so I'm going to let it slide." He whispered in my ear.
I shivered as he let go.
I took a seat and he began to teach. Ever so often, he'd look at me up and down, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat.
After class, I rushed out as quickly as possible.
After school, I heard a car honk, and being the curious little shit I was, I turned to see who it was. It just so happened to be Mr. Styles and he just so happened to be honking at me.
I walked over slowly, and stood by his window.
"Rose, your mum asked me to bring you home." He said, sternly.
"M-my mom? Why?" I stuttered.
"We're having dinner together."
"Because I'm you new neighbor, and your parents invited me."
I nodded and started walking over to the other side, but Mr. Styles jumped out of his car and jogged over to open it for me.
"Thanks." I mumbled and got in.
He sat down and started to drive. The drive was silent, until he decided to speak up.
"I didn't really like the way you were speaking in class today." I growled, yet, it was attractive I'll admit.
"I-I'm sorry." I said.
He smirked, and stayed silent.
Anyways, here's a bit about me;
I'm not a virgin, and I've always been fascinated with sex. Not that I have it everyday, it's just amazing. Like, 2 people can have sex and have the mans sperm go inside of the woman, and boom, 9 months later you've got yourself a baby. Truly amazing. And it feels good too, so if you don't want a baby, use protection or birth control and you most likely won't.
"Did you hear me?" I heard Mr. Styles ask, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"N-no, sorry, sir." I said, embarrassed.
"I asked if you did any sports."
"Mmm." He smirked.
I rolled my eyes, shifting awkwardly.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, we pulled up to my house.
I ran inside and looked for my mom.
"Mom?" I called.
"Yes honey? I'm in the kitchen!" She called back.
I heard the door shut and saw Mr. Styles walk in.
"What's for dinner?" I asked.
"Tacos. Is that ok?"
I sat down at the dinner table, waiting for the food.
Mr. Styles, of course, decided to sit right next to me.
We didn't talk until dinner was served.
"So, Mr. Styles-" my mom started to say.
"Please, call me Harry." He said.
"Ok, Harry, do you have a wife?"
"Actually, no, I don't. I just got divorced about a month ago."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
"Don't be, she cheated on me, so I left."
My little sister, Lily, came trotting down the stairs. Lily, who was 7, was the sassiest girl I'd ever met. She got that from me.
She sat down next to my mom and asked her to make her a taco.
My mom, of course did what she said and made her a taco.
"Uhm, where's the bathroom?" Mr. Styles asked.
"Rose? Could you show him to the bathroom?"
I sighed, but nodded.
I walked down the hall and pointed to the room.
I rolled my eyes as he smirked. I turned away and started to walk, but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me against the wall.
"Why do you hate me?" He asked, but whispered.
"I don't!" I whisper yelled.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! You're a great teacher."
"Prove it."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Call me daddy. You're mine, no one else's. You got that baby girl?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes daddy."
He nodded, smirking and walked into the bathroom.
Daddy? Baby girl? What? Mr. Styles has a daddy kink? I don't know what's worse, the fact that he was making me call him daddy or the fact that I liked it...


Good first chapter? Lil crappy I know...
And sorry for the jump into the daddy stuff I didn't want to wait for like 5 chapters to add it...
Hope you all have a lovely day/night.

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