"Do you even know my middle name?"

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Prom was in only 2 days, so I was at Luke's house and we were deciding what we were going to do.
"So, I'd pick you up, and after your mum takes pictures, we'd go to the park, take more pictures, then go to the actual prom part, then after maybe, 3 hours? 4 hours? I don't know, but after that, we'll go to a hotel. Sound like a plan?" Like offered.
I grinned widely, and pulled him into a hug.
"I can't wait."
It was Thursday, and prom was on Saturday, so I was just going to be at Luke's house for today and spend the night so we could plan everything.
I took off my clothes and put on one of Luke's shirts, and Luke stripped fro his clothes so he was left only in his boxers. We fell then both fell asleep.
Rose had been such a bitch those past few days, I mean, it was all my fault though, so I couldn't blame her.
She had Luke, so I'd find a teacher who could be my "date" for the prom. And I knew exactly who.
Ms. Thirwall.
She was an offaly beautiful woman, who was my age. She had brown hair, but sometimes dyed it purple. She was the perfect person to ask.
Since she worked at the front office of the school, and and I didn't have her number, I called the front office.
Thankfully, she was still there. Which was odd for a teacher.
"Hello?" She said, her voice tired.
"Hi, it's Harry." I said.
"Oh, Mr. Styles, what do you need?"
"Please, call me Harry. And I'm here to ask you to go to prom with me."
She laughed. "This is like senior year all over again."
I laughed. "So is that a yes?"
"Of course it is. I'm sure the staff can hold the fort down while I'm gone."
"They stay over the weekends?"
"Yeah, because, for some reason, all of the parents call on the weekends or late at night. We got a complaint from a mum who had called at 10 o'clock who was going to inform us that her child couldn't come to school. And so the next morning we had someone call her saying her son wasn't at school, because she hadn't left a message, and everything went bat shit."
"Wow. It must get intense."
"Yeah, but it's 12, I think I'm going to go home. You have a nice night, Harry. I'll see you tomorrow."
"You too, love. Bye."
I then hung up and took off my clothes except for my trousers, and got into bed.
The next morning, I woke up, and felt an arm wrapped around my chest from the back.
I smiled, and slowly pushed him off and checked the time.
It was 6:00 which gave me enough time to shower, get dressed, and do my makeup.
I shook Luke and he slowly rose from his slumber.
"Morning, babe." He said, kissing my forehead.
I blushed. "C'mon, get up."
"Can we shower together?"
"No, because you know we'll take way longer together than us going separately."
He giggled. "True."
I got into the shower and quickly washed everything, then got out and quickly dried off.
I put on all of my clothes as Luke got in the shower.
Since I needed a mirror for washing my face and putting on makeup, I had to wait for Luke to get out.
The water finally stopped, and we walked out.
He headed over to the closet and walked in.
I stepped into the bathroom and put on my eyeliner, mascara, and peach colored lip gloss.
I left my hair down and naturally wavy.
I smiled at myself and went out to see Luke in a Guns N' Roses muscle tee, black skinny jeans, and black VANS, and his hair in a nice quiff.
He smiled at me.
"You look beautiful." He said.
"Thank you, hot pants."
He laughed and checked the time.
"It's 7, we should probably go." He said.
I nodded, and we went downstairs, grabbed some of the bacon his mum had prepared.
He hopped in his car and we drove.
When we got to school, I saw Harry and Ms. Thirwall talking in the front office.
I rolled my eyes, and held Luke's hand, and signed us in, since we missed the first bell.
Harry looked me up and down, and licked his lips.
I rolled my eyes and kissed Luke on the cheek.
"What was that for?" Luke asked, smiling.
"Everything you've done for me, I really appreciate." I replied.
"Well in that case..." He leaned in and our lips touched.
I smiled into the kiss, and we both pulled away.
"You two should probably head to class, you're already late." Harry said.
"Well, if we're already late, then why should we even try to make it?" I asked, rolling my eyes.
"It's like you're screaming for me to give you detention."
I rolled my eyes. "C'mon Luke."
I grabbed his hand, and lead him to first period, since we had the same one.
I sat down, and the teacher began talking, and I didn't really give a f.uck about what she was saying.
3 classes after that was lunch, where I sat with Luke, my friends, and his friends.
"So, what are you guys doing after prom?" Michael, Luke's friend asked.
Luke looked over at me and smirked. I blushed and looked down.
"I'm going to be doing Casey." Ashton said, winking at her.
She laughed and pushed his shoulder.
We finished our lunch, and went on with our day.
Once it was time to go home, Luke came up to me as I put my books in my locker.
"Can I take you out tonight?" He asked.
I acted like I was pondering, but nodded my head.
"Of course. Where?"
"I was thinking a picnic on the beach?"
I nodded, that was something I'd always wanted to do.
"I'll pick you up at around 7?"
I nodded again, pulling him into a hug and kissing him.
I walked with him to his car and he dropped me off at home.
When I got home, I began doing my homework, which was weird, but I had to do I could go out with Luke.
Once I was almost finished with my homework, my phone buzzed.

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