"Of Course Are We Allowed To Cuddle?"

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After Luke left, I sat on my bed, thinking about what Harry would do to me.
"Princess?" I heard Harry called.
"Yeah?" I called back.
"I'm running to my house to grab some stuff, I'll be back shortly!"
"Ok, bye!"
"Why don't you come down here and say bye properly?" I could HEAR his smirk.
I sighed, and went downstairs.
"Goodbye." I said, hugging him.
"Goodbye, what?" He asked.
"Goodbye, daddy."
"Good girl." He said, kissing me along with a smack to the butt.
"Actually, can I come with you, daddy?"
"Of course, baby."
Since we were neighbors, we decided to walk.
I began thinking. Maybe Harry and I were taking this too fast. I mean, I liked it, but I was 17, and this was illegal.
"Harry?" I asked, surprising him by calling him Harry.
"Yes, baby?" He asked.
"I-I don't know if you felt the same way, but do you think we might be taking this too far too soon, you know?"
"Baby girl, why would you think that?"
"I don't know, but it makes me feel easy."
"Easy? Why are you talking about yourself like this? You aren't easy. We haven't even had sex yet!"
"I know, but I let you touch me and how long have we known each other? 3 weeks? The first day we met I called you daddy."
Harry looked at me sadly. "Do you- do you think I'm taking advantage of you? Because you're young?"
"W-well, no, but I don't know. Maybe, I feel like you would never do that but then again I can't even trust myself anymore."
We stopped walking. Harry lifted up my chin, making me look directly in his eyes.
"Rose, I would never, EVER, take advantage of you. Why don't you trust me?" He asked.
"Harry, I do. Believe me. I trust you with all of my heart." I said.
"Then why do you think I'm taking advantage of you?"
"Why do you need to go back to your house?"
"To uhm, grab some stuff."
"Like what, Harry? What kind of "stuff?"
"I, um, sex toys." He said, mumbling the last part.
"What was that?"
"Sex toys! Ok? I said it!"
Sex toys on a 17 year old.
"Maybe this shouldn't happen. Sorry." I said, running back to my house and locking the door behind me.
"Rose, please, let me in. I don't like fighting with you. Do you like it? I'm sorry, baby. Do you still think I'm using you? Honestly we can spend the day together, we can spend the whole WEEK together, and have no sex, ok? I promise. Now would you please open up?" Harry begged.
I sighed, and began opening the door.
Right when I opened it, he pulled me into his embrace.
"What do you want to do?" He asked.
I checked the weather outside.
"It looks like it's going to rain... Want to watch a movie?"
"Of course, are we allowed to cuddle?"
"Uhm, duh, hello."
He chuckled, making his dimpled pop out.
"You need to stop with the dimple thing." I said.
"What? Why?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Because it turns me on and you know it."
He smirked, making them pop out again.
"Stop!" I yelled.
"Mmm, nah."
"Heartless witch."
"Hey what, heartless witch?"
He rolled his eyes in a playful manner.
"Just pick the movie." He said, letting himself fall on the couch.
"What about Insidious 1?" I asked.
"You won't get scared?"
"Well, if I do, I have you, right?"
He nodded, obviously liking the idea of me cuddling up to him during the scary parts. To be honest, I just chose a scary movie so I could get closer to him. I know, maybe I'M the heartless witch.
During the movie, there was a really scary part, making me turn my head and face Harry's face, and I snuggled up to him, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"Maybe we should just cuddle, yeah?" He said, turning the tv off.
I nodded.
"What are your goals in life, Rose?" He asked.
"Well, I want to be in a band one day, I play the guitar, so all I need is a singer."
"Oh, like an acoustic band?"
"Something like that, yeah."
"That sounds amazing. Have you found anyone yet? Or anyone who seems fit for it?"
"Yeah, actually. I haven't talked to him about it yet."
"Oh, who?"
Harry's fists tightened.
"Sounds lovely. You'll make a great team." He said, mustering up a fake smile.
"Yeah... So what are your dreams?"
"Baby, my dreams have come true. I was in a band, I'm a billionaire, I have great friends, I met you, lots of things."
I nodded. "You were in One Direction right?"
He nodded. "Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and me."
"You guys were good. I still listen to it."
He laughed. "We were something."
I smiled. "Do you ever talk to them?"
"Yeah, we go out every now and then."
"Oh, that must be nice."
He nodded.
After that, we continued to cuddle, when I got a text from Luke. I felt Harry tense up, signaling he saw.

From: Lukey
Just checking in :) x wanna do something today?

I sighed, knowing I had already read it so I couldn't just not reply.

To: Lukey
I'd love to, but I feel really sick, and I don't want to get you sick. Maybe tomorrow? :( x

From: Lukey
Of course! Get well, ok?

To: Lukey
Thank you :) xx

From: Lukey
You should probably sleep, so I'll go. See you later? Xoxo

To: Lukey
Of course :). See you soon xoxo

I shut off my phone and nuzzled into Harry. He was so warm, and cozy. He had a very nice feeling to him, but I don't know how to describe it. He was amazing. Truly, he was. I know he's 22, but I thought I was falling for him. It's not easy to fall in love with your teacher. Especially when you're falling hard.



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