Who's the man now Styles?

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I was beginning to fall for Rose, and I wasn't going to stop myself. She was beautiful, in every way possible. I wanted her to be mine, but the question was; Did she want to be mine?
The next day, we went to school and the principle told us where we were going and what to do.
"The beginning of prom is going to be at a park, and that's where we're going to take group pictures and prom date pictures and friend pictures. After that, a bus is going to pick all of you up, a party bus of course, and it will be taking you to a building where you will have your party or get turnt or whatever," The class burst out laughing. "The theme this year is tropical, so we'll be handing out flower crowns and necklaces for everyone, now let's get started!"
My principles name was Mr. Fitch who was very young, maybe late twenties, early thirties, anyways, he was very nice to everyone and he was also really funny. Everyone liked him.
Mr. Fitch guided us to one of the school busses and we all got in.
I sat next to Luke, since it was only two people per seat.
The bus was about to take off, but then the doors open as a tall, gorgeous man walked on.
I then felt awkward sitting in my seat next to Luke.
Harry quickly glanced at me, his facial expression changing from happy, to angry and sad. Over me sitting next to Luke? Damn.
He sat next to the principle and they began talking.
"So, Rose, about last night-" Luke began.
"I'm sorry. I'm so stupid." I mumbled.
"No, no. You aren't. I want this."
"What do you mean?"
"One day, not today because right now is a horrible time I would need to set up, I'll ask you out. Because I really want this, I don't know about you, but I really do."
"Just hear me out, ok? I know that this old, smelly bus is the last place I should be talking to you about this, but I've liked you since last year. Even when we first met, three years ago, I thought you were the most beautiful girl on the planet- no, not just the planet, the whole universe. You've been by my side for almost 3 years now, and it's been so amazing. Having someone like you in my life comes once in a lifetime."
"Luke, that was the best thing anyone has ever told me. Thank you. Thank you very much."
He smiled.
I looked up and saw Harry looking at me, with something in his eyes that I couldn't describe.
I looked away, frowning. He wasn't happy.
About a half an hour later, we got to the building.
It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small, so it was perfect for the seniors. Besides, not everyone was going to prom anyways.
We all walked into the building, and I was amazed by what it looked like already.
There was a mini stage and the rest of the decorations were in boxes all over.
From what I had seen, this was going to be a really good prom.
We began opening boxes and pulling everything out.
There were about 10 tall boxes that Luke helped me open. They ended up being fake palm trees.
Luke and I set them up and plugged them in.
We began setting up lights and the disco ball.
I stood on top of a rolling chair, which was not a good idea whatsoever.
I began screwing it into the frame that held it together, when I began slipping around on the chair.
I tried to ease the sliding but it only got worse.
My foot then slid out from under me and I fell back, shutting my eyes tight, but I never hit the ground.
I was lifted back onto my feet, as I turned around to see who my savior was.
It was, of course, none other that Harry.
I smiled the widest smile and brought him into a hug.
"Thank you." I whispered to him during our hug.
"It's ok. Maybe you shouldn't use a rolling chair." He said, chuckling a bit at the end.
I giggled as I felt a buzz in my pocket.

From: Unknown
Hey, it's Ashton from Olive Garden

I changed his contact to Ashton.

To: Ashton
Oh, hey. Aren't you in school?

From: Ashton
Yeah but it's lunch

To: Ashton

From: Ashton
Aren't you in school?

To: Ashton
I'm setting up for prom, duh

From: Ashton
Nice, we should hang out tomorrow

To: Ashton
Yes we definitely should

From: Ashton
What's your address? I don't want to seem weird sorry if that's a weird question

To: Ashton
No it's fine

From: Ashton
Ok good

To: Ashton

From: Ashton
Thanks :) I'll text you later byye

To: Ashton
Ok bye :)

I looked up smiling, only to see a frowning Harry standing in front of me.
"What?" I asked.
"Who was that?"
"No one."
"Let me see your phone."
"Fine, let me see your phone."
He rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.
We swapped and he typed in his password and I typed in mine.
I went straight to messages.
A bunch of unknown numbers had texted him.

From: Unknown
Hey baby, had a great time last night. Again tonight? ;)

From: Unknown
Wanna hook up again? It was lots of fun ;)

From: Unknown
Baby I can't walk :( it was too rough last night

I decided it was best for me not to read on. I couldn't take it.

"You're texting Ashton? Our waiter?" He asked.
"He's only a friend, and look who's talking, texting all of these girls who you knocked up. How old were they? 15? 16?" I shot back.
"Rose I-"
"Just don't talk to me."
I know our relationship was never really serious and he had never really even asked me out, but I thought we might've had something special.
I began setting up again and by the end of the day, it looked really great.
"This is so cool." Luke said to me.
"I know, I can't wait for prom." I replied.
I smiled as Harry stepped forward to talk, making my smile fade.
"As you all know, I'm Mr. Styles, and I'll be supervising prom this year," He said, earning a loud groan from me. He glared and continued to talk. "... As I was saying, food and drink will be provided as you all probably assumed. But, no alcohol, drugs, or sex. Save that stuff for afterwards please and thank you." He then smirked at me, but I was already smirking at Luke, who smirked back.
Who's the man now, Styles?


Remember when I was actually good at updating. *sighs*
I'm sorry guys I've just been having a really back week.
Anyways, go buy Drag Me Down on iTunes😂

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